G-Core Labs - Khabarovsk small kvm vps

Hello everyone,

It is my first time writing a review here. I joined LES last month and LET a few months ago. In short, I am a newbie in VPS.

Before I heard about "VPS" / "Linux" etc, the only thing I could do with a computer is Google Chrome, using Outlook to work on emails and making bookings on airlines website. My work has never (and probably will never) come across anything about I.T. Why would I bother to trespass in the world that I did not belong to? It was all about an old pc game called SWAT4. I guess no one here would like to know about or even play this game so I would skip the details. In short, in other to keep this game alive, I have to look for ways how to host game rooms globally to make sure this small community can continue to enjoy the lowest latency and therefore the best experience. I have not played this for a long time until COVID lockdown - when I must return my home country (as I was working abroad) and not sure when I could ever go back. Working from home, much free time has arisen so I could afford the adventure.

As for G-Core Labs, I only knew about them when randomly googling "south america vps". The cost turned out to be prohibitive so I forgot about it quickly. Until today, I saw a thread on LET about vps in Russia and all of a sudden - On 100% impulse, I decided to give it a try - I have never had a VPS in Russia before.

And yesterday it was also my first time reading the blog of @vyas, which has enlightened me a lot. I would not have the time nor the knowledge to run a blog so I guess I would at most write on LES and await better insights from the community, since I have very little knowledge about system administration on Linux.

OK - Sorry for long crap above - let's dive into the topic:

The subject today is a small vps at 88 Russian Rubble per month , about 1.2 USD. You may find the spec below:

The sign-up process is quite easy, no-frills design, no painful captcha. It even did not require me to manually verify my email address.

As for payment, Paypal is not available. Therefore, I proceeded with paying with credit card direct.

Provision was quite fast - the payment was confirmed with a receipt at 7:43pm and received the root password at 7:53pm.

The control panel was quite plain - and sometimes not very smooth (that you need to click a few times to navigate)

OK - Time for benchmark:

Let's test the download speed to Asia

And the remaining storage before I load my stuff:

Geekbench 5 (and the CPU reached 100% during testing :p )

The port speed (at least to Europe) is as per described - 100mb - well.... Can't complain here.
And well... the harddisk I guess is HDD for sure? Doesn't matter - SWAT4 is an old game and is not hungry for resource

One of the applications that I needed to download and install is wine32... the download process itself took almost 8 minutes and installation another 2 minutes (or slightly more).. I guess it was the longest I have ever had with all other vps... Again.... I signed up not for the hardware spec , but instead - the exotic location. So, I am ok with this.

So far the game room is running very smoothly - no lag no crash. For shit vps, the game would crash after 1 or 2 times of map change.

Last but not least, I tested their ticket handling by asking some newbie questions and the result was positive. The response time was below 10 minutes with very good attitude.

Well, definitely can't say the node is nice - but for such price and rare location - so long as it can maintain its uptime, I really can't make any complaints. Based on the past 6 hours, I would say this is a good buy if you do want something in such location.

Sorry for poor writing and organization. Have a good day ahead.

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