Roundcube 1.4.0 Released - New Theme & Bug Fixes.

MichaelCeeMichaelCee ModeratorOGServices Provider
edited November 2019 in General

We proudly announce the final release of the long awaited major version 1.4 of Roundcube webmail.
After more than two years of hard work by Alec and other volunteer contributors, Roundcube finally gets the responsive skin with full mobile device support - the Elastic.

In addition to the new UI we introduce these new features:

Email Resent (Bounce) feature
Improved Mailvelope integration
Support for Redis and Memcached cache
Support for SMTPUTF8 and GSSAPI
Plus numerous improvements and bug fixes collected from your precious feedback as well as updates > to recent versions of 3rd party libraries like jQuery and TinyMCE.

See the full changelog in the release notes on the Github download page.

P.S I am not associated with the products or creators quoted in this post.


Thanked by (3)AlwaysSkint ITLabs Amitz


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