!WANTED! Writers for the LES blog
As topic says, we are looking for people who are interested in writing a blog post or two about almost any topic.
Example of topics that are of interest:
If you have a ”longer” comment/review on news in the industry.
Think news reporter. We don’t expect a novel but it should be more then 10 words
Technical writers, articles with tutorials or nice to know features in your favourite application.
Tips and/or introductions to alternative applications.
If you have the skills to put more then 2 words together or you want to try something new, reach out to me or @Mason with your interest and what you would like to contribute with.
Whats in it for you?
A nice tag on the forum, access to hidden parts of the forum and an eternal feel good sensation.
I have a few ideas. Will be contacting one of the admins soon. Good initiative.
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