Is there any interest in open source mailing list software that sends via SES (like MailWizz/Sendy)?

Main differences would be:

  • Codebase isn't a shitshow
  • Free / Open Source (LET favorites)
  • Tag-based rather than list based management.


  • This isn't LET

    Thanked by (1)mfs
  • Lies.
    [Extra characters]

  • Hello @kgodwin. There are some well-established open source solutions that work with SES, including:

    • Mailtrain V2 Beta: the code is being reworked and there are new list segmentation features;
    • Mautic: tagging feature available since... a long time ago.

    So, imho this segment is a bit saturated and you should come up with a better value proposition if you really want to invest your time.

    My "les" cents.

    Thanked by (2)mfs poisson

    BF/CM - Buyer Beware. Conduct your own due diligence on the sustainability of the deals presented here as well as the provider's track record.

  • @kgodwin said:

    • Tag-based rather than list based management.


  • Mailcow ?.

  • @Dazzle said:
    Mailcow ?.

    Mailcow is for hosting your own email.
    Mailing lists are used for sending newsletters and such.


    Discord: Decicus#0001

  • Mailman, Sympa

  • I don't understand the need for this and don't know what mailwizz/sendy are. For mailing lists mailman still works fine. For newsletters etc. there's tons of other stuff out there, including smtp client modules for just about everything.

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