cloudbox configure/install


Have my hosthatch 2c/7gb/7tb vps and looking to get cloudbox on it. Somehow banging my head against wall trying to finish setting up, and honestly have about ten min of free time a day without kids being fckin wild ppl to get caffeineted up and try to think. Not sure going rate for Help, but let me know

Currently Installed everything and followed guide on github but getting 503 errors and let's encrypt nginx will not listen to me. Any offers will be responded to, thanks!


  • My LES Exclusive offer: I can help you set it up (and for free).

  • Hey just saw this! Thanks for the offer, actually got everything running great on hetzner dedi and not using Cloudflare. Might switch over to Cloudflare if peering starts affecting streams but working great now. Thanks again

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