@AngelofMusic said: Restya is pretty nice imo:https://restya.com/board For my own personal stuff I don't need anything fancy. I have this setup offline and it's been great:https://kanboard.org/
@AngelofMusic said: Restya is pretty nice imo:https://restya.com/board
For my own personal stuff I don't need anything fancy. I have this setup offline and it's been great:https://kanboard.org/
Restya looks dope Thanks for the tip! For offline usage Kanboard looks nice , but I prefer it synced online
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
@AngelofMusic said:https://kanboard.org/
its a pitty they don't have mobile or the one available is crap.
hey @Ympker how is your Android skills ? ;D
@ehab said: @AngelofMusic said:https://kanboard.org/ its a pitty they don't have mobile or the one available is crap. hey @Ympker how is your Android skills ? ;D
@ehab said:
Managing my phone? Fairly well. Coding Android apps? Never done that before 😂 But there are sites that can turn your website into an app. Have a look at AppGeysr free and similar (will show ads though, iirc?). https://appsgeyser.com/
Restya looks dope Thanks for the tip! For offline usage Kanboard looks nice , but I prefer it synced online
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.
its a pitty they don't have mobile or the one available is crap.
hey @Ympker how is your Android skills ? ;D
Managing my phone? Fairly well. Coding Android apps? Never done that before 😂 But there are sites that can turn your website into an app. Have a look at AppGeysr free and similar (will show ads though, iirc?). https://appsgeyser.com/
Ympker's Shared/Reseller Hosting Comparison Chart, Ympker's VPN LTD Comparison, Uptime.is, Ympker's GitHub.