[Best-of-LES Museum] Salute the very best of LES!

Don't let the Best-of-LES sink into oblivion! Instead, please repost your favorites here in the Best-of-LES Museum. Please remember to include a link to the original! Thanks!

One of my very, very favorites so far, from @nullnothere:

Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!



  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer
    edited October 2021

    Pink banner is a Very Best in itself!

    Thanked by (3)Not_Oles Falzo nullnothere

    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • Woah @Not_Oles - I'm honoured (or should I be distressed?). Thank you for your kind words. I wrote that up purely as a tribute to our local IPv6 champion @Brueggus - his wit, impishness and repartee over at the OGF have always been fun and inspiring - I wish I could double and treble witticisms like that. I felt he needed a note of appreciation and this was my way of paying a tribute. I hope it was received as intended and I'm happy that it was noticed by at least the connoisseur crowd around.

    Muchos Gracias for noticing and hopefully egging me on.

    @vyas said: Pink banner is a Very Best in itself!

    I'm surprised at how not-so-jarring it actually looks (to me). I'm rather unimaginative and pretty colour blind/obnoxious I think - so I never "experiment" much and typically go with some rather lame defaults. So it was refreshing to say the least.

    Back to lurking...

    Thanked by (2)Brueggus Not_Oles
  • The BOLES Museum?

    Thanked by (2)Falzo Not_Oles
  • @nullnothere said: I wrote that up purely as a tribute to our local IPv6 champion @Brueggus - his wit, impishness and repartee over at the OGF have always been fun and inspiring - I wish I could double and treble witticisms like that

    Thanks, your bandwidth has been quadrupled.

    It's hard to resist considering the frequent opportunities for snarky comments over there. Sometimes it's really funny, sometimes I feel bad when people just don't get that I'm messing with them and send me their root credentials via PM since they think I'm a rep of $provider.

    Need a free NAT LXC? -> https://microlxc.net/

  • @Brueggus said: bandwidth has been quadrupled

    Thank you - I have enough bandwidth to run circles around the globe many times over and still have some left over bits to spin some tails with.

    @Brueggus said: send me their root credentials via PM

    Oh wow! Now that's evil genius for sure. Just imagine what the nefarious like yours truly would do :smiley:

    I'm appalled though. I can't even begin to imagine how naive they seem to be. You're too kind sir - lesser mortals would have made things ahem... interesting.

    I wish there was a gentle way to teach them to laugh at themselves and learn... perhaps a good willed April's 1st of sorts.

    You've got me thinking now... beware pranksters at play.

    Thanked by (1)Not_Oles
  • @vyas said: Pink banner is a Very Best in itself!

    @nullnothere said: refreshing to say the least

    @Abdullah said: I like that pink version of LES, how ?

    I can't see so well. Especially with the modern web's low contrast and small fonts. So, in addition to lots of zoom, I use Chrome's High Contrast Accessibility extension which I often set to "inverted Color." The text then shows as white on a black background and the green LES banner becomes pink. :)

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • Boom! Today's post by @alento beautifully exemplifies the courteous responses so characteristic of LES!

    Well, I am just one guy here, and without any official authorization to give "awards." Indeed, I feel silly about maybe inappropriately calling out @alento or anybody and maybe embarrassing them. But I want to share what it is about LES that makes me love visiting here so much! 💖

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • In addition to being respectful, people here at LES are honest and open!

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • Thanked by (1)imok

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • One of our guys looking out for another! Notice the thank-you and the positive attitude of the response! Both the tag and the response are wonderful examples of the Best of LES!

    Thanked by (3)imok Decicus Mason

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • Thanked by (2)bdl imok

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Retired
    edited January 2022

    See how @Ganonk subtly and cleverly reduced the $7 price mentioned by @vyas by $2! Or, could it be that prices mentioned here at LES automagically reduce themselves with each mention? I got a really good laugh out of this! Thanks @Ganonk!

    Thanked by (1)Ganonk

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • Not_OlesNot_Oles Retired
    edited March 2022

    You guys might remember that I am looking at LES with lots of zoom and also with Chrome's Accessibility plugin set to Reverse Color. I was amused by my view of the new Donations Graphic!

    Just for the record, I did not find the donations link intrusive, and I am delighted to count myself among the donors. Congratulations to Anthony, Mason, Mikho, and everybody here on the success of the donations!

    Thanked by (1)mikho

    Tom. 穆坦然. Not Oles. Happy New York City guy visiting Mexico! How is your 文言文?
    The MetalVPS.com website runs very speedily on MicroLXC.net! Thanks to @Neoon!

  • vpsslimvpsslim Hosting Provider

    @Abdullah said:
    I like that pink version of LES, how ?

    HOW do you like it?

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