[LES] Route IPv6 to VPN client

iandkiandk Hosting ProviderOG


I got several cheap VZ7 NAT VPS from Inception hosting and I'm running Wireguard-go on them.
Given that I don't have a static IP @home, I want to tunnel one/multiple of the public IPv6 addresses of my Inceptionhosting IPv6 subnet to my Clients@home.

Since I don't have a full /64 I wonder if that's even possible?
I'd have to use ndppd, since its also not routed, but can I use it with a smaller than /64 subnet?


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https://v6node.com - Affordable IPv6 only KVMs


  • NeoonNeoon OG
    edited December 2019

    You could get a /48 from HE and ndppd it, but as I am aware, ndppd and/or radvd wont work with less then /64.
    But you can tunnel each IPv6 by itself without ndppd.

    Like I did here on Proxmox:

  • NyrNyr OG
    edited December 2019

    You can do IPv6 NAT with iptables. Use a private subnet and route that to one of your public IPv6.

  • WSSWSS Retired

    @Nyr said:
    You can do IPv6 NAT with iptables. Use a private subnet and route that to one of your public IPv6.

    While incredibly useful, I liken this to most actually-knowledgeable auto bits on YouTube. "Hole in the block? Just drop the engine and replace it."

    P.S. If there's a hole in the block, unless it's really new and cheap, it's time to just let it go.

    Personally, I run a 6in4 via OpenWRT. Sucks that HE gets blocked semi-often for stuff, but it lets me work well enough that I can, well, work.

    My pronouns are asshole/asshole/asshole. I will give you the same courtesy.

  • iandkiandk Hosting ProviderOG

    Is it possible to avoid NAT and directly route the public v6 to the client and configure it on the client?

    https://canvay.io - A simple webhosting platform
    https://v6node.com - Affordable IPv6 only KVMs

  • ip -6 route add 2001:db8::1/128 via (your wireguard tunnel endpoint)

    It's possible.

    The all seeing eye sees everything...

  • iandkiandk Hosting ProviderOG

    @terrorgen said:
    ip -6 route add 2001:db8::1/128 via (your wireguard tunnel endpoint)

    It's possible.

    Is there any configuration on the client needed?
    Additional routes or configuring the IP?

    https://canvay.io - A simple webhosting platform
    https://v6node.com - Affordable IPv6 only KVMs

  • On the other side of the tunnel, you'll need to point default route toward the tunnel or else two way communication won't work.

    The all seeing eye sees everything...

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