A couple of questions about Blesta

A reseller LicensePal is offering Blesta Owned Unbranded for about $175 compared to listed price of $300 on Blesta official website

What are the disadvantages of getting it from a certified Blesta reseller such as LicensePal vs the official website?

What is License Manager in Blesta?

I have asked those just for the sake of seeking knowledge because if I need Blesta I will get it for free from BuyVM on one of my VMs

Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode



  • MichaelCeeMichaelCee ModeratorOGServices Provider

    I asked on chat recently and afair the License Manager paid addon is for licensing of your own additional software.

    P.S You can get an owned license from Blesta.store for £125/$162 too.

    The disadvantage is that your support is going to come from the reseller instead of the software producers directly, which in some cases doesn't have to be a disadvantage.

    As well as that, there's likely less security if the reseller goes bust. Blesta.store and Blesta are quite tight so I can't imagine that would be an issue if it came to that.

    Thanked by (1)vpsgeek


  • vpsgeekvpsgeek OG
    edited December 2019

    @SmallWeb thanks

    For example if a host wants to resell internal cPanel licenses to their clients will they need 'License Manager' for it?

    Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode

  • seriesnseriesn Hosting ProviderOG

    Just a headsup, licenses bought via reseller won't be transferrable. So no resale value.

    @vpsgeek said:
    @SmallWeb thanks

    For example if a host wants to resell internal cPanel licenses to their clients will they need 'License Manager' for it?

    No. Only if you want to sell your own softwares or licensing etc.

    Thanked by (1)vpsgeek
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