EUserv-like website for VPS with only IPV6 address.
As we all know, not long ago EUserv added an installation fee to its free machines to avoid batch booting by people with ulterior motives. There is a similar site now, but with a 7-day update cycle instead of EUserv's one month, and no auto-update script (better not, or it'll be like Euserv soon). The difference is that you sign up with a Telegram account instead of email.
Website registration link:
It seems that advertising revenue on the website is a condition to support the machine for a long time, so the short cycle seems to allow us to browse more advertisements.
Polls and discussions are welcome.
Do you like this renewal model? (Like EUserv, but may have more complex validation conditions)
- Do you like this renewal model? (Like EUserv, but may have more complex validation conditions)16 votes
- I do not like it.37.50%
- It doesn't matter, not interested.43.75%
- I like it.18.75%
So it was Howdy previously
I'm okay with such model.