Scaleway increases prices, again, by 8%
I got the following email from Scaleway:
Scaleway invests heavily to build efficient data centers and reduce our environmental footprint, and the best example is our Eco-AZ in Paris, PAR2, which has the lowest PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) in Europe. This is particularly important as we all observe a sharp and sustained increase in electricity costs in the recent months which we have to reflect, at least partially, in our prices.
To simplify our pricing and encourage the use of our more efficient data centers, we will be harmonizing the pricing of our Instances across our regions. This means that the prices of Instances located in AMS1, PAR1, and WAW1 will be increased, and align with the prices of PAR2, which will remain unchanged. The only exception remaining is PAR3, our unique DC located in a nuclear shelter. However, to encourage the use of this highly secure AZ and benefit from the full Paris Region, we will drop its pricing significantly.
With this price change, our compute Instances will be the same price in almost all our Availability Zones (except PAR3, repositioned at a lower price). This change fully supports a multi-AZ strategy, which is key to building more resilient infrastructures. You can now spread your workload without being constrained or concerned by AZ location and expand easily in all our regions.
As of July 1, 2022, the following price changes will be automatically applied to all affected services active on that date:
- The price of compute Instances located in AMS1 and PAR1 will be increased by 8%
- The price of compute Instances located in WAW1 will be increased by 3.85%
- The price of compute Instances in PAR2 will not change
- The price of compute Instances located in PAR3 will be decreased by 50%
This concerns all Instance types: VC1, VC2, Stardust, Start1, Pro1, Development purpose (DEV), General purpose (GP), Enterprise (ENT).
The prices of our other products will remain unchanged.
We would like to thank you for your loyalty and support over the years, as well as your understanding concerning these price changes. If you have any further questions or concerns regarding this price increase, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best wishes,
The Scaleway team.
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Half off compute instances in PAR3? Interesting