Recommendations for SMTP relay
I am looking for an SMTP relay for a VPS with DirectAdmin in UK from an OVH reseller which hosts a total of 23 personal websites & blogs of friend & family. There is nothing mission critical hosted but would still want to ensure that emails land into inbox because Outlook/MS always marks them spam without any proper reason.
Would like it to be on pay as you go model if possible
Recommend: SmallWeb|BuyVM|Linode|RamNode
just mxroute I really dont see a better option.
Please do not use the PM system here for Inception Hosting support issues.
Yup, MXRoute, just works, no drama. Not pay as you go but I am sure there are deals out there.
open support ticket from your account we will provide u SMTP (Mxroute) for free with your existing service
Asad Khan
KhanWebHost Cheap Shared Hosting | Cheap KVM VPS (DE,UK,US,FR) | KVM Sale - LES Offers
Wish I could find time/energy to investigate my MXroute 2 year deal. had no interest.
+1 MXRoute
MXroute is the one. I moved my billing and personal stuff over there.
If the amount of email is low, Amazon SES could be cheaper.
10ct for 1000 Mails:
I'm using SES for relay, can't complain. It's cheap, and works.
MXRoute is prem
I use SES. I'm tempted to go with MXroute, but it just feels wrong to use a full mail setup as a relay only - but then it is cheaper than things such as mail channels, etc.
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