Looking for CN peering in Germany

Hi LES folks,

First post in this forum, please be gentle...

CN2 peering is expensive and probably out of the LES range. However I'm wondering which networks / providers in Germany (German company + Germany hosting) have the best connection to AS4134?

Thank you very much for your advice.


  • What do you mean with 'the best connection'? All German VM's I have (on B&K, First Colo and Hetzner network) go to this network through transit providers (DTAG, Cogent and Telia). However, because almost all tier 1 providers seem to peer with China Telecom in Frankfurt, the connection should be very good.

    If you only want direct peering it will be more complicated. As far as I can see almost no colo/server providers directly peer with CN2. At least in Germany. The Dutch network NForce does. HostHatch is one of the providers on this network, but you'd be located in NL, not DE.

    Off-topic but paid peering means you're not really peers in my opinion. When an access provider (like China Telecom) does this it just means they want to profit twice. From your customers and from content providers. Double dipping. It's actually good when server providers don't fall for this.

  • Why DE if you really want good connection to CN? Distance between DE and CN is a physical problem. Why don't you go with some Asia location?

    Action and Reaction in history

  • edited February 2020

    @debaser I agree about the paid peering, however look at Deutsche Telekom ;-) Thanks for your input!

    If there's no direct peering, there must still be an indication of upstream quality, no?

    Reasons against Asia location:
    1) Unstable routes
    2) Expensive peering with CN (due to being geographically close)
    3) Traffic tromboning. HK/SG/JP provides with no direct CN peering bounce the traffic off of the U.S. West Coast.
    4) Congestion. Pretty nasty and unpredictable (see 1)

  • ClouviderClouvider Hosting ProviderOG

    While we don’t have direct CN/CN2 connection, Clouvider routes through Telia and they seem to have more or less OK connectivity. If a dedi is of interest give our team a shout and they can run some tests for you.

  • @mearch said:
    @debaser I agree about the paid peering, however look at Deutsche Telekom ;-) Thanks for your input!

    They to do this too but are a tier 1 network as well, so it's tricky to compare. But yeah, China Telecom is not the first provider.

    If there's no direct peering, there must still be an indication of upstream quality, no?

    This is true. It seems @Clouvider uses Telia for routing to CN2, so this is good. @Hetzner_OL (but also @seriesn as a customer of Hetzner's) also uses Telia to connect to this network, whereas @UltraVPS uses DTAG. They all seem to have a good connection. If you want to have a direct connection, you should try Hosthatch in The Netherlands.

    Thanked by (1)Hetzner_OL
  • qpsqps Hosting ProviderOG

    Regular China Telecom is AS4134. CN2 is AS4809. No regular Tier 1 transit provider is going to include CN2.

  • @qps said:
    Regular China Telecom is AS4134. CN2 is AS4809. No regular Tier 1 transit provider is going to include CN2.

    Didn’t know, just followed the AS-number here. By the looks of it, CN2 has no presence in EU so the providers listed above would still be preferred.

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