Any good SG location provider?
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in Requests
Looking for below config server,
500 GB SSD or 2 TB SATA
5TB Bandwidth @ 1 Gbps.
Nexa Racks - Reliable Web Hosting Company
There was a discussion a while back here about options in Singapore. I think the popular recommendations were DO, Linode, OVH and someone had mentioned RansomIT...
In other words, you might want to
“ Search your forums, Luke!! “
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We've tried most of them in SG and Linode has the best service in our opinion. I don't know if they offer 1Gbps there though.
Thanks @NodePing & @vyas ; I took DO droplet.
Nexa Racks - Reliable Web Hosting Company
“What’s next?”
VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.
Vultr, Linode, DO. My site is hosted on DO.
If you want to grab a dedi at some point, RansomIT has a config that pretty much matches your requirements perfectly.
seems pretty well hows the services ? r u using them ?
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