★ VirMach ★ RYZEN ★ NVMe ★★ $30/2YR- 768MB ★ $40/2YR - 1.5GB ★ $50/2YR - 2.5GB ★ $70/2YR - 4GB ★ LES



  • @VirMach

    My Order Number is: 9423759481


    Thanked by (2)FrankZ skorous
  • edited April 2022

    @erictsang said: My Order Number is..

    The correct way to do things. :D

    Thanked by (2)FrankZ skorous

    lowendinfo.com had no interest.

  • @FrankZ said: Hi @imok, I have not seen you around much

    Hello! I know, I spend less time browsing green forums. Too bad because I love servers.

    @FrankZ said:
    Have you been ok?

    Not really, but it's getting better :)

    @FrankZ said: What did you decide about the bus thing?

    Nobody else says anything about it, so I'm not sure if it will survive as long as we think.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • Anyone know if TYOC038 is up/down? Reinstalled from the AlmaLinux template to try and get CPU passthrough working, server never came up and the troubleshooter claims the node is down. Not sure if it's right, though.
    Waited 30+ minutes and tried installing Debian, no change.

  • @MallocVoidstar said:
    Anyone know if TYOC038 is up/down? Reinstalled from the AlmaLinux template to try and get CPU passthrough working, server never came up and the troubleshooter claims the node is down. Not sure if it's right, though.
    Waited 30+ minutes and tried installing Debian, no change.

    On another forum, a few days ago, it was explained that there was corruption on the disk. I don't know the current status, but according to user posts, TYOC038 node is down.
    I could be mistaken, so let's wait for a new announcement from VirMach.

    Thanked by (1)FrankZ
  • VirMachVirMach Hosting Provider

    @vgood said:

    excuse me @virmach sorry I now feel confused what to say more about the ongoing problems with my VPS. after your suggestion to migrate and I did it from sanjose003 and it worked, then you asked to send me a ticket about the details of the problem, I've done it. until now more than 1 month VPS can not be used until now. the last status of the VPS is offline, BW still says 2TB (even though it should be 6TB according to the order), I've reinstalled, rebooted but still offline. To be patient, it can be said that I have been patient since the transaction date (21/03/2022) currently it still can't be used, what else should I do???

    (edit) I've never had this problem on my previous VPS on Virmach

    Can you please make sure you make a priority ticket copy of your ticket? Close the original, make an exact copy in the priority ticket department, and I should get to it soon. Mention your LES post in the ticket as well so I can credit you if it's a major issue.

    Thanked by (2)erictsang FrankZ
  • @VirMach said:

    @vgood said:

    excuse me @virmach sorry I now feel confused what to say more about the ongoing problems with my VPS. after your suggestion to migrate and I did it from sanjose003 and it worked, then you asked to send me a ticket about the details of the problem, I've done it. until now more than 1 month VPS can not be used until now. the last status of the VPS is offline, BW still says 2TB (even though it should be 6TB according to the order), I've reinstalled, rebooted but still offline. To be patient, it can be said that I have been patient since the transaction date (21/03/2022) currently it still can't be used, what else should I do???

    (edit) I've never had this problem on my previous VPS on Virmach

    Can you please make sure you make a priority ticket copy of your ticket? Close the original, make an exact copy in the priority ticket department, and I should get to it soon. Mention your LES post in the ticket as well so I can credit you if it's a major issue.

    Hello VirMach,

    My Order Number is: 9423759481

    Do you have time to help me with my Tokyo server now?

  • @erictsang said:
    My Order Number is: 9423759481
    Do you have time to help me with my Tokyo server now?

    I think you should be specific about what kind of help you are asking.

  • @tototo said:

    @erictsang said:
    My Order Number is: 9423759481
    Do you have time to help me with my Tokyo server now?

    I think you should be specific about what kind of help you are asking.

    The Tokyo server I bought needs to be activated manually. So I post here to send the order number.

  • Hi @VirMach
    My invoice number is #1416902
    It's been a while since I paid, please activate it for me
    Thank you!

  • @zendro said:
    Hi @VirMach
    My invoice number is #1416902
    It's been a while since I paid, please activate it for me
    Thank you!

    Shouldn't the order number be sent?

  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer

    @erictsang said:

    @zendro said:
    Hi @VirMach
    My invoice number is #1416902
    It's been a while since I paid, please activate it for me
    Thank you!

    Shouldn't the order number be sent?

    Reading is hard if you are in a hurry to order.

    (Ready for @AlwaysSkint to highlight my poor spelling)

    Thanked by (2)AlwaysSkint FrankZ

    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • Please help me open order, I’m in hurry!

  • vyasvyas OGContent Writer

    @cgs3238 said:
    Please help me open work order, I’m in hurry!


    VPS reviews | | MicroLXC | English is my nth language.

  • Hi @VirMach
    My invoice number is #1415174. sorry , I forget order number.
    It's been a while since I paid, please activate it for me
    Thank you!

  • I'm more confused by this. what do you mean? I'm getting confused. please simplify the steps so that I will get dizzy
    is it possible for me to post my ticket number here to make it simpler?

    (edit) I've never had this problem on my previous VPS on Virmach

    Can you please make sure you make a priority ticket copy of your ticket? Close the original, make an exact copy in the priority ticket department, and I should get to it soon. Mention your LES post in the ticket as well so I can credit you if it's a major issue.

  • Hi @VirMach
    Order ID: 8835034065

  • edited April 2022

    Hi @VirMach
    I mean to be patient but the FOMO is kicking in. I placed Order ID: 9423759481 on day 2 and it’s still not activated. Generally what’s the lead time? Pls Activation my host

  • edited April 2022

    @erictsang said: .. on day 2 and it’s still not activated. Generally what’s the lead time?

    Two years.
    Unthanked, for being an idiot!
    Go and buy a pre-order book on Amazon, then sit and wait.

    Thanked by (1)realEthanZou

    lowendinfo.com had no interest.

  • Hello.
    Please check Order Number is: 9183016965
    if correct. active it.


    Domain for Sale: Lea·com $3000,000 USD. Contact by email: [email protected]

  • JabJab
    edited April 2022

    @vgood said: fused by this. what do you mean? I'm getting confused. please sim

    That thing is kinda clear.

    Go to your ticket from month ago about broken server.
    Copy text of that ticket.
    Close that ticket (old / month ago) [if not closed already]
    Open NEW PRIORITY SUPPORT TICKET [click this: ]

    Paste text of your old ticket into new ticket.
    Add all information that you know, what you done, how it behaved, what is broken.
    At the end of text add: Re-posting as instructed on LES ( https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/comment/87349/#Comment_87349 )
    Send ticket and wait for reaction.

    Also make sure you have only ONE, NEW, PRIORITY SUPPORT TICKET about this issue. If you created more - close rest. ONE TICKET.

    In nutshell - VirMach (team) wants that ticket in PRIORITY SUPPORT QUEUE, not in normal queue with 1857817851758 other tickets.

    Thanked by (3)FrankZ erictsang vgood
  • edited April 2022

    I know Virmach is super busy, so I don't want to ask too stupid a question when I know things are crazy at the moment, but maybe someone else can say what stage the order number appears at.

    I selected the offer, and then spent ages on the registration page, which had lots of messages about things failing. I finally managed to register through there (it seems a password generated by pressing the generate button isn't secure enough!) and now I have an unpaid invoice. I'm hesitant to continue past this point as I know that there's only one opportunity to write down the order number and I'd have thought that would be before there was an invoice and now I'm worried it was what the error messages were about...

    Basically, my question is whether I should proceed add credits and pay the invoice, or have I now missed the order number and should I start again?

  • @VirMach Hi, you indicated your New York node is about to be ready. Would it be possible to pre-order for that node specifically now? (I don't mind waiting a month or two for activation)

  • Is SJC05 now considered stable? It is working fine for me but I haven't tried to really use it beyond playing around a little yet.

  • @VirMach
    My Order Number is:1413944 ,Please help me start the server.Thank you.

  • Good offers!

  • @dazar said: @VirMach Hi, you indicated your New York node is about to be ready. Would it be possible to pre-order for that node specifically now? (I don't mind waiting a month or two for activation)

    Unfortunately, pre-ordering for NYC at this time is currently unavailable. I asked VirMach when ordering for NYC would be available and this is what he said:

    @VirMach said: As soon as the datacenter is able to complete a task that would (currently, they're not done yet so who knows how much worse it'll get) have taken Tokyo 15 times less time to do.

    Funny part is I asked them to do this with great priority and even said I'd pay emergency hands rate for it, and specifically asked them not to take two weeks like with the others... well it's like day 13.5 so they technically have a few hours left to make it in under 2 weeks.

    Thanked by (1)dos621

    Certainement qui est en droit de vous rendre absurde, est en droit de vous rendre injuste - Voltaire

  • Already purchased
    This is my order number: 1416806
    Please take care of it. Thank you

  • @erictsang said:
    Hi @VirMach
    I mean to be patient but the FOMO is kicking in. I placed Order ID: 9423759481 on day 2 and it’s still not activated. Generally what’s the lead time? Pls Activation my host

    You really think copy-pasting my comment is gonna work? 查重率 99%

  • @realEthanZou said:

    @erictsang said:
    Hi @VirMach
    I mean to be patient but the FOMO is kicking in. I placed Order ID: 9423759481 on day 2 and it’s still not activated. Generally what’s the lead time? Pls Activation my host

    You really think copy-pasting my comment is gonna work? 查重率 99%

    I’m so sorry.I want to try this method, did you activate the Tokyo server?

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