Thx 🙏
cociu TANGO DOWN (banned) on OGF
If you have problem with accessing it through IPv4 NAT then check your configuration of ssh daemon on this VPS (/etc/ssh/sshd_config). Port number there have to be changed from 22 to the same as designated external port and enable "PermitRootLogin yes". It worked for me when I reinstalled from default Centos 7 to Debian 11.
when they hit 78,000 hours they will be sold to some Romanian provider :D
I would strongly advice against using OS templates from random person from internet, as it creates huge security risk (some intentional backdoor or unintentional mistake) for your customers and your reputation see what happened in the past:…
Could you provide some confirmation of this change on Oracle website?
HostHatch Invoice number: 217374
Gullo's Hosting Invoice number (can't find order number): 15398
Gullo's Hosting Invoice number (can't find order number): 15267
Gullo's Hosting Invoice number (can't find order number): 15253
Gullo's Hosting Invoice number (can't find order number): 15250
LiteServer Order number: 5860221687
Inception Hosting Order number: 3639514681
@cociu probably meant to not exceed 500Mbps (megabytes per second) as it is shared link, while 5TB (terabytes) is monthly limit
new service from Microsoft (something like Visual Studio Code @ Azure):
Look at this 3 parts guide: btw. WSL2 (next generation, based on real Ubuntu running in VM in the background instead of API translation/emulation) is just around the corner,…