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Member, OG


  • I created test buckets in all regions and played with rclone. For Paris, I had: type = s3 provider = Scaleway region = fr-par endpoint = https://s3.fr-par.scw.cloud acl = private storage_class = ONEZONE_IA Amsterdam: type = s3 provider = Scaleway region = nl-ams endpoint = https://s3.nl-ams.scw.cloud acl = private…
  • Hover over the "Legal Notice" to see the qualifications. The way I read it, the first 75GB of one zone infrequent access is free. The catch is that the standard/default storage class in Paris isn't ONEZONE_IA, but the standard in Amsterdam and Warsaw is (at least for now). I had to add "storage_class = ONEZONE_IA" to my…
  • My favorite console access is the way tornadovps (nee prgmr.com) does it. ssh keys only, then a pick-a-number front end to select the serial console, rDNS, add/remove keys, reboot, shutdown, etc. Secure, fast, low bandwidth, and cut-n-paste works in the console.
  • Sorry for the radio silence recently, I've been buried at work. I did play around with a hacked up version of zerofree, looking to see if there was any interesting leftover data in the unallocated blocks on the disk. Other than some apt cruft, it was clean. (And yeah, I did fill my disk with X, rebuild, and see if any data…
  • Spoofer test: https://spoofer.caida.org/report.php?sessionkey=iskfh25w0djzfp (looks good!). Adding an ssh key doesn't seem to verify it. It'd be nice to not allow adding invalid keys, in case someone screws up the cut-n-paste and truncs it or something. A really big entry in the ssh key description or public key leads to…
  • Tried the domain feature: with port set to 80 both A and AAAA records created, I'm getting a SSL_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR_ALERT from Firefox. curl -v shows there's a 308 Permanent Redirect from http to https, but no cert? (curl is showing error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error).…
  • Weird stuff with pricing: g1.nano shows 9/year, Stripe checkout shows 10/year for node S (!) g1.micro shows 18/year, Stripe shows 18/yr for node M (ok) g1.small shows 3.3/month, Stripe shows 3/month for node L (!) If you move the slider to enable annual billing for g1.small and grab the 20% discount, it shows 36/year, but…
  • First thoughts on the beta: I hit the billing tag right after creating an account: 500 / server error. When adding a new ssh key, there's some placeholder text ("Lorem ipsum...") in the dialog. When creating a new node, the example text in the hostname edit box is "app1.v6node.com", but entering a FQDN gives an error…
  • I'm down for some beta testing and feedback.
  • Of course I understand that--serverhunter wouldn't see the additional fees as they don't appear until late into the checkout process. Hah, hardly! Paypal sub is $0.58, Paypal one time is $0.56, Strip Alipay is $0.56, Stripe is $1.12 (!), and crypto is $0.56. Y'all might want to look into that Stripe code/calculation, as…
  • I got bit by this. I found this provider a couple of weeks ago on serverhunter. When I filled the cart I noticed the $1.99 price wasn't accurate, so I bailed. I don't know all the rules for Paypal and whether surcharges are allowed, but as a cheap and whiny price sensitive low end wannabe buyer it just felt a bit off.
  • Hey! I'm also seeing a crazy amount of traffic since Jan 8 as well. It looks like a ton of packets all destined for (rDNS Tor2-Exit.AlienData.com). Not broadcast traffic, and not my MAC. ` vnstat -d ens18 / daily day rx | tx | total | avg. rate…
  • 7cc34f87bb2aa036fd03f8d91960eae7, if I'm not too late as usual! Thanks in advance!

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