Got a time machine? :smiley:
Every bit of data is different, but there’s no comfort in “don’t worry it was only your email address” IMO
“No customer information other than email address was impacted” Nice way to try and polish a turd. Customer information was impacted; it doesn’t matter if it’s just email. Silly people
The client portals for both HelpMyIT and OnePoundEmail are now one in the same. All clients emailed. Some IDs may have changed and not all support tickets have been imported, especially tickets that contained sensitive data before blesta allowed encrypted data within tickets. That specific data will be permanently deleted…
Thank you my friend! Regarding this, clients should receive an email later this week or early next week. TL;DR, 2 x billing platforms will merge to 1 x billing platforms. I am doing it manually as we're early days and it's all good. Currently all clients are done just need to import the billing and services and confirm…
Reasons for wanting direct are: * Dev license as @chris mentioned * Ability to resell licenses
They take so long I wouldn’t be surprised if it was April fools in August
Not sure if they allow it in general tbh. From this thread https://lowendspirit.com/discussion/4222/auction-hostbill-enterprise-license-for-sale-legit it was a special "exception".
Might do a little consolidation and merge my backend Blesta portal for my two projects in to one. Not quite sure yet, but it would be both positive and negative. Little more thought needed and some planning first.
Seems good!
I believe Mxroute (Provider) moved to DA from cPanel after the 1st, 3rd or 200th price increase. They probably have plans to develop something in house one day so I don’t know what I’ll do then. From my side of things, I wouldn’t have gone for a cPanel based provider as I tend not to touch that anymore unless somebody is…
It’s been almost a month since I launched this new project and I’m happy with how things look. A couple of community folk signed up and are contributing a decent chunk toward the upstream bill so thank you to those! I’ve created a few different Break-Even Analysis reports for each package scenario but there’s about 8 or so…
Thank you very much! Please let me know if you have any issues
Have ya never heard of shrinkflation? :wink:
For sure. Keep that bad boy! And if you ever need a hand with anything you don't want to bug Jar over, give me a shout :smile:
I'm hoping to keep this pricing structure for as long as I can. We're definitely good for the rest of 2022 on that front though.
Appreciate all the support. I just paid my accountancy fee so I'm here again to shill myself to you lovely folk. :smiley: As I planned before I have now added a new service for inbound migrations to OnePoundEmail. I have some double checks to do with the multitude of platforms people use so I have just listed…
Don't really know about a general increase but I'd be happy to see shared hosts posting up to $5/m offers to match the email rules. In my personal case they are exactly the same thing, except the one with the higher limit has "less" (more focused) functionalities.
In an ironic turn of events, my first action as a mod will be to edit my own post for breaking the $5/m email rule. Happy Wednesday!
Woops. Time to ban myself!