The Force is definitely strong with this one. Even this Blackfriday people still hope, after all that happened.
Where are we at on RO ?
Did You Just Assume My Gender?
Where it All Began
Beef with GTS heard it somehow involves OVH
Wait until you see the big full picture.
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This. I believe @cociu has found a niche in the market. You may call it stockholm syndrome or sister syndrome or what ever. But he has found his niche and some people are loving it when it's all up-up.
= monarch of Britain, King George III https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_colonization_of_the_Americas
But then, how will drama occur ? This is the LE Way.
Here's a snip, blast from the past for you
Tried it, but found that just a handful of countries. @vyas what's your take on the HDD prices in India vs outside now, as of the current situation ?