Is FTP alright, or do you need a vps? If you really need a vps, get a RS1000 from netcup, and a gsuite account, mount with rclone, and u are unlimited. :)
How bout 4vcores (shared), 4gb ram, 50gb nvme with raid1 for $6? Thinking of doing that to my own server. Also, ill make it stackable. @Not_Oles should do something similar
Here is the disks in my server : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001290971758.html
He didnt ask for static. How much you needs depends on traffic, plugins, content and optimalisation. For a small siste, 512 is good. Scale up as you need more speed
You Are right. Typo, i am sorry. I will check device info on disks once i get home
Quick geekbench 4 : https://browser.geekbench.com/v4/cpu/16026365
Ordered one myself. Will do benchmarks and maybe some free demo VMs. However, i wont sell from this.
Personally Ill run raid 5 on mine. If im sharing with someone, Ill just create some VMs and pass through disks and let the user do whatever he wants with them This Are supposed to be decent disks, so og backups is the only thing you need to run it is probably fine for years
Not trying to capture a thread here, but i already have a idling sx133 im going to start using now. You are both welcome to pm me
I have quite a few. However, i still need a couple more
Umm, they advertise V5 cpu on the 4 hdd version, i got a V6 (Finland).
I already have both of them. Serveres Are alright
Wireguard is installed and running with just a few commands. I can help you for free
U know, stuff
You do get both, yes, Just ordered a SX293 myself
That, and those cheap ebay licenses. Im planning to move all my data home, but when you are storing over 100TB, and with a 750gb / day limit, it will take forever. Also the cost of building a NAS suitable and expandable for this is expensive. Think i need to reduse my plex library -.-
I mean that they have started to clean up accounts not following the rules
I dont want to pull 500mbit 24/7, but when i am moving files, i want to be able to use my full home connection at 500mbit. Traffic is generally low, but i do pull some torrents from time to time. Average usage past 3 months is around 4Tb / month. I dont need, or want a dedicated for this workload, as monitoring hardware,…
Any decent vps with 1 core should be able to do what, if you arent running on overfilled 15 year old xeons. But thanks for the note.
Those almost free licenses on ebay is. Those education licenses. But i do have a legit gsuite account, following all rules, and i pay for the service.
rclone. I run most of my servers with it. Backing them up to a dedicated backup server, and then backing that up to a unlimited google drive account, just in case.