Singapore, of course
@Internxt, 2 comments: * It seems you have trouble dealing with mail. Never got confirmation one(s), neither got the closing account one! * I hate services promissing something "Free" but finally really offering it after quite some conditions/works/etc. You are no better than others!
Available for some beta-testing if needed!
Sad to see you go @mikho , I mean it... Have had some of yours boxes in SG for quite some time and happy with them or it today!
If it was.... It's broken!
@Abdullah Anything to do to get the _"++Unlimited BW @ 1Gbps & Double Disk++"_ benefit?
@Neoon It's now working, your patch did it! I'm going to enjoy it right now... Thank you!
@Neoon And after 30 minutes, it went back by itself to the registration step, without any message!
If you expect folks to read the instructions, you have first to write/show them! There is nothing - in the same page - after the Nothing that would say to wait at least! Not exactly sure what I did last time, but right now it has been 17 minutes of I don't want to complain too much for a free service/offer, but maybe a…
Anything else I should do?
Thanks again @Neoon, and here we are: 23d7-c418-79f0-2e8a
Just wanted to give a try to one of these NAT LXC instances...... but it fell here: Your request got rejected for the following reason: Lowendspirit account not found Tried with lowercase only, same result! Someone could help?
Windows 10 user too... And I had to go back to 6.1.30 to have any kind of success!
Anyway to get more details? Looking Glass, yabs, number of IPv6 available, etc. I'd be interested in a VPS in SG.
From active paranoia to complete carelessness..... This kind of thread is giving each of us a way to "belong" :smiley:
Just adding with the crowd: Much needed button..... And honestly it should stay where it is! Thanks
As already said: "it all depends!" :p * Once that said, there is soooo many websites under WP which have no real use of it, and would be lighter, easier to maintain under "most" SSG. * On the opposite side, once passed the false hope given to neophytes WP really fills a need.
Just got one in SG.... Well, it was cheap but everything is really bad: disk and network!
Long time I wanted to try =) Got one in SG. Thanks!
I had to answer "light" as the dark one is not really usable: * The green is not great on so dark, * and not enough contrast between read and not read. But I would easily go for another dark one!
There's always much to learn, and I am thankful I can most of the time find it here. Now I need to make it clearer to one specific provider B)
Of course, I do! Both of them... But I guess you were expecting that :) That would maybe explain why I did not see anything. But a professional "hoster" should know that and not blame his customers....
Thank you for your recommendation @willie @uptime and @vyas . These are some tools I used or tried to use in the past but the agent from Hetrix Tools have been for me a better way to deal with these type of troubles... So far :) And you are right @Falzo that's the question now!
LOL You're probably right! But I have been very happy with them for 2 years, And I love to put my finger(s) where it hurts =) Somehow the best way for me not to re-produce.
I don't think I would have any trouble to do that of course..... But I have to be totally honest - even if I did know how it is to be "online support" - their lines clearly put the guilt on my side, or at least I got that feeling :3
Oh, sorry, I did not realized! Yes, I'm one of your family member, but no, I have NO trouble with you =) =) =) For all readers, I usually have no problem to shame names, but in that case, I'm just trying to understand - and not reproduce - than to shame. So no name!
You're so right. I thought they could even give a top just before they turned it off. But I did restart, and of course nothing so far. As much wishes from Thailand!
Have only network and HDD graphs. Not really useful. But you're right, I did not think about theirs :o
Bad feeling at first, right? Their support seems always so sure.... I should believe them!
No it does not =) In fact, until yesterday (and it's probably only my fault) I was very pleased with that still unnamed provider!
I believe we should/could have a "software" top category, with probably a big wordpress sub-category, yes. Which means we could also start talking about other already nice or with potential tools. LES is not - for now - a place I'm coming to get news, advice and help about self-hosting, cms, or any kind of online portal...…
Same era :p MNet from France... My first access provider, email, and first page (yes no plural =) ) That was in 1992!