$310 if transaction fails for any reason🤷♂️
🤩 Thanks! Pleased you like it. Our customers customers are the main priority. Its what most if not all the other panels fail to do well.
Correct. You click on the Manage button for the license within the portal and select the configurable options. Then just increment the amount of hypervisors.
It’s where you input the cluster license key or you activate the evaluation. It’s once license per cluster. You configure the license with the amount of hypervisors you require.
Nope, the UI is free of charge.
Not yet. Currently, an admin has to define the ISO. An ISO can be global (all users can see and use it) or assigned to a specific set of users.
Thanks for the support :) There’s no official migration from Virtualizor yet. If Jump on our Discord, there is a pinned message in #general with basic instructions.
I don't think so.
Thats the beauty of VirtFusion. You can use most cloud images. Pull the image direct from and added to VF. Boots fine > login via key > done.
@Not_Oles if you’re doing FREE I can let you have a VirtFusion license.
@MikeA is a nice guy and always goes the extra mile, even for me 🤗.
Correct. Same applies to me (@Phill). Anything I wrote for Ant when he started LES is now yours.
Great stuff - Thankyou!
Pleased you like it :) How do you mean? It should only be the UI that's installed on the server or in your case the hypervisor as well.
Thanks for the feedback 🙂 You absolutely are my audience! I made it my mission to think about the end end user! Looking forward to the longer post if you get chance.
Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take another look to see what can be done to improve it 🙂
Very similar to this.
You'll be surprised how many virtualize the whole hypervisor for easy management purposes - Remember, I ran SolusVM for 10+yrs.
That's correct. I'll change the description of that hypervisor type. It can be multi-purpose. Either a single VM of any size or most likely a smart server which will be an option in VF soon.
Any hypervisors that host more than 1 VM would need unlimited.
No, It's based on per hypervisor. I'll add some extra info to the description and probably rename the single option to "Smart Server" or something similar.
At the current time there’s a fair bit going on in the source. Biggish features, re-factoring, etc.. once it calms down a bit, I intend to have regular audits.
No plans for a lifetime license, at least not yet. The source has only been audited internally so far, none of which is available for review at this current time.
Thanks as always Mike. Good luck with the move.
Great. I’ll ping you on Discord. p.s. where’s my “Trusted Software Developer” tag?
It’s not available yet, but we can discuss? and come up with something. There may be better ways to deal with it.
Thanks Ant. I guess all the constructive criticism from you over the years has contributed towards this!
We are us. Phill (SolusVM founder) and currently a very small team. The slides.. erm.. please don’t make me do that. Had enough in the last job!
Correct. Any options within the license can be upgraded at the early pricing for the lifetime of the license. Even if its three years later.
Send them over to me. I’ll sort them out.