No offense is taken, you have valid points but me, you and other sysadmins all of us has one vision and that is to teach new blood how to take their sysadmin skills to next level (along with learning new stuff ourselves). of course everyone of us using his own methods . Since 2011 xsl.tel been providing fully managed…
https://nginxproxymanager.com/ DNS must be handled by another tool though .
I heard that everyone who watched Teletubies back in his childhood have ADHD. so yes I will happily join the club.
actually after further checking I don't see an option to disable that from tweak settings. I mixed that with subdomain in my first reply. however its possible to achieve that by these commands cp /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.default /var/cpanel/templates/apache2_4/ea4_main.local then editing the new file…
your host provider will need to disable proxying that sub directory from tweak settings. I doubt its possible to override that in .htaccess
why not generate DA backup without home files, then borgbackup the generated backup file (containing mysql databases, directadmin config files) along with your home directory to any of those cheap storage VPSes ??
Ohh you meant other license to report bugs. sure I'm willing to do that ;)
Anyone tried this method. I thought updates are license key locked. I mean what the point of buying semi-annual Update/Support service when I can get same update files for 15.95$. lol
We (owned license holders) are still able to renew semi-annually. so its still semi-alive :expressionless:
install proxmox, create a VM, then install any OS you like !!
btw calling OVH from Skype is free
I have no-trust syndrome. even a Cloud from a mainstream provider with a dedicated CPU can still be provisioned on Intel Xeon Silver Generation 1 and been running for years. its Silicon is already passed out. compare that to what he has now and do the math.
Cloud is still shared with neighbors. I doubt it will give the correct numbers for his use case (analysis of converting multi video formats) PS: I have an idle E-2276G if interested.
too much tools for my small shop. the self hosted rocket.chat feels more privacy focused and I like that.
@simonindia I didn't know Rocket.chat had livechat support. I've installed it and it looks great tbh. though it's missing the visitor tracking feature. might need to install piwik for that :(.
yes, it's possible to get a storage server with good I/O if you are seeking providers who don't oversell their servers. how much is your budget ? I've seen a few providers who do hybrid NVMe/HDD vservers . that may be an option .
might need to have a look here https://www.xsl.tel/hosting/storage-virtualized-servers-vps/jbod-storage-vps Hosted at Hetzner Finland
Hi I'm too lazy to open ticket or ask in live chat and couldn't find that on your website. do you accept SEPA direct payments? I'm looking for an EU provider with US datacenter. Cloudvider offers looks promising tbh.
sorry I just couldn't resist it.
I thought they provided a real cPanel and was impressed by their offers. I like their motto and hope them continued success
sometimes if you have a lot of .htaccess directives cpanel won't able to remove the redirection directive due to confliction with other rules. what you can do is to manually remove that redirection by editing .htaccess from file manager (you may need to enable the show hidden files) . if you can't identify that redirection…
Thank you so much for this suggestion I didn't know I could use link-local to route an assigned subnet and be done with it. reading these resources explains a lot https://www.edge-cloud.net/2013/08/07/ipv6-link-local-addresses-as-default-gateway/ https://blog.zivaro.com/need-know-link-local-ipv6-addresses along with this…
I'm not that kind of person who trusts google, amazon or any other non-encrypted cloud service with my personal or client's data. I prefer to use my own encrypted dedi servers to store backup and live data. have you tried using it on a 24/7 busy server? the performance and slowness is unbearable I believe its broken by…