I decided to give alma's elevate util a try instead of bothering anyone with a ticket, seems to have gone fine. One interesting thing I've noticed, my old dedi had a pretty typical supermicro micro-atx board and was presumably a 1u, while this new one is a supermicro blade, 12 nodes in a 3u if the model number I see is…
You didn't get the (admittedly delayed) email on 8/3 about "[Emergency] Potential Dedicated Server Service Disruption"? It didn't go out until several hours after the servers went offline, but there was actually a line in there that mentioned it: If you would like to more immediately switch your dedicated server to a…
Just got my replacement dedi overnight, looks like VirMach wasn't exaggerating that they'd racked several almost immediately: 10:41:33 up 11 days, 1:17, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05 Looks like my replacement is in San Jose, I was hoping to hold out for LA but that works well enough I suppose. I got a decent spec…
If it helps, a little while ago I paid for a $3 IP change and they processed the ticket in like 8 hours or less. I don't think they go through the same queue as normal tickets, or someone is going through and knocking them out because paid IP changes are quick/easy/don't need extra info.
Same for me, I went ahead and submitted a ticket so that no one wastes time/energy setting up something in NYC for me so they can go to people who need something ASAP.
Aha, email came through. First, wanted to echo the sentiment of understanding, I know you've got to be WAY more stressed about the situation than I am. So, I'm happy to wait for a replacement server in another datacenter, and don't need access to the old data, I've got recent enough backups. I'd rather not end up with a…
Nice, glad to see you moved over here. Guess I might as well pick up another one, surely I'll put it to use for something. Order #7177636556
It'll be simplest to just do the official bedrock dedicated server, their Minecraft: Bedrock plan, as long as you don't mind playing bedrock on PC. You don't have to deal with any 3rd party stuff to get java and bedrock working together, there are bedrock clients on both.