Namecheap BF deals:
Those are some good points. I do plan to keep it constrained to a niche group, but listening to the feedback from Reddit threads and Facebook groups can be a great start. Thank you.
Agreed. That's the reason I'm not even trying to have any long term commitment plans. I feel the reseller plan is the only good way to start. I may still have some doubts about starting this venture. But the learning experience would be worth it.
Even I grabbed one of the lifetime offers from MikePT. It was just too tempting to pass. Though, you are right about the competition in this space. But the market I'm trying to go after is too niche and just trying to focus on a local scale. The bundled services could be a great way to stand out.
I was reading your "what I learned" post. It was a good learning experience. Hope to replicate that! That's a good point; to look at from a buyer's perspective. Thank you. I was surprised by how helpful LES is. I was expecting a lot of users to be dissuading. But It was quite the opposite. Everyone's ready to share their…
Having a testing phase could actually be beneficial. I could try things out, while getting feedback from the users.
That's the only reason I've thought about going with a reseller plan; don't want to leave people hanging without any way out.
Thank you, that was good insights. Maybe I should look into adding some bundled services.
I had researched the smallweb reseller plans. They do seem to have good plans for entry level. Now, I just need to do some more research into blesta and nexusbytes. Thank you for your inputs.
Maybe I should have second look at the billing solution. I definitely agree with both your questions. I should be looking into adding some value to the table.
I've been looking down that path too. But have still not been able to make a concrete decision. Also, I'm planning to just keep the commitment period to 3 months maximum, before I'm sure about the venture. Will having such a low commitment period have any inverse effect ?
I've lurking LES for a month or two, thought I would sigh up to get some advice.
There may be some demand for vps, but I prefer to focus on the hosting aspect for the time being. Also, testing the uptime of the reseller plan sounds like a good idea. Any recommendations on the software side?