An admin should give OP a new unique title of "Hoarder".
So, they entrusted email to another entity. The said entity has had a leak. They blame that entity and moves to a new entity. I am sure the new entity will have a leak at one point. Then I guess they will move to another. Bottom line, they hate taking on responsibilities, yeah?
Neither. Real men build their own DC - in basement. So, do dat.
I feel offended at seeing the plan names being "small", "regular", and "large". What defines "regular"? What is a regular? Is it medium? Is it middle? What is it? Regular as in being straight? But this place is called the Lesbian. Regular has no ducking place for such a normal? word. Ban OP! He is sizist! sexist! nighist!
Push, do not listen to the naysayers. Go for it. They are just ducking jealous. Such a negative world we live in.
We are all les here.
Even a marriage that is supposed to be for lifetime doesn't ducking work out. So, nothing else will. Tax sure follows you until the end though.
Nigh is the end.
In case crying hasn't worked out, you can try suing.
Not allowed as far as I know unless there is a good reason. And I am not seeing any reason at all here.
Asking for a friend, how much for 20 years pre-paid?
Another option. Buy a cheap NUC.
Just make sure to tip your grimreaper. Tell it that you've seen me, and he will be kinder to your soul.