not wordpress but in general PHP, I usually auto create a tar.gz file on every commit, you could include the snapshot of your DB in this as well(or just the diff). Then I just push and unpack the tar.gz file, The solution looks a bit enterprisey(like java/jenkins or c# build processes). But I feel I have a lot more control…
basically this. most data centers reduce cost based on economies of scale. The population is just too low for that to work. we do not even have an amazon warehouse here, most of us have to order from amazon(uk or de)
I'll ikely just switch to Zoho, pricing page: https://www.zoho.com/workplace/pricing.html?src=mailpricing
Probably one of the best providers I have dealt with, Never really had any issues, and if any were quickly looked after. The support provided over Telegram was amazing. It was money well spent and now I'll have to start looking for alternatives. It is really sad when a good provider closes down, I wish you all the best…
Thank you! was wondering where to move my Google Photos! this is exactly what I need
absolutely love what you have done here! brilliant! ISMAP is something I never knew existed.
you are likely hacked https://github.com/docker-library/redis/issues/227
@lowendmeow I have written a blogpost about the above if you are interested, http://returnzero.win/2021/01/08/php-deployment-probably-done-right/
Just contact @MikePT and he might enable it for you. I use a combination of Drone CI for building the JS assets using NPM and pushing the tar.gz build to a remote FTP location (so basically one gz file per commit, this allows you to rollback if something went wrong), and then use ansible to copy the tar.gz, extract and run…
From a shared/reseller hosting point of view and coming from https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/2363/guide-to-buying-shared-hosting SSH Access [?] <- Would love if this was enabled by default Mail Channels or similar [Well done] JetBackup [well done] The extras I really liked: NodeJS Support: Yes Python Support: Yes…
I agree with this, @AnthonySmith should pick the first few candidates and from then on it should be based on elections. The only thing we need to somehow avoid is to be an echo chamber of ourselves as I have seen lot of communities turn into these and die a slow death. The forum currently allows for good amount of diverse…
+1 for this, this is exactly why I use reseller hosting and cPanel price rise per account did not help?so now switched to DirectAdmin reseller
You have a point! I did not look at it from an attackers point of view, once inside they have all access to the internal VPN and config files to extract and connect to
Might not be a big deal with docker containers or anything that could restart on failure. But would be a disaster if the same happens on a DB server.
I should have explained it better, I meant SMTP/Email delivery, so if you have reseller hosting, the customers will start complaining why their Wordpress/Laravel registration/notification emails aren't getting delivered and would blame the provider as email was part of the deal. (Providing no email is an option but that…
Unless the file manager is from DirectAdmin, you cannot edit anything other than standard extensions. Also, DirectAdmin doesn't have this terminal functionality or atleast I haven't seen this enabled. Having used standard tools like https://deployer.org/ for PHP deployment, SSH access becomes compulsary. I'd agree but what…
here is the offer and is mentioned there: https://talk.lowendspirit.com/discussion/2159/blackfriday-lifetime-offers
Oh well, I am truly Over Powered ? They deserve it, the system is just too buggy, I wonder how did it even make past the testing team (or more likely there was no testing team).
I am just guessing here, May be the traffic out of Germany would be cheaper, like how bunnyCDN does for certain locations. or likely the CDN provider simply does not have a location in India. They seem to use cloudflare SSL ? and you are right about the India hype, they have used the word India 14 times on the frontpage,…
In my opinion, JAMstack feels so 2020 ?, it has grown in overall complexity.. Redux, Hooks, Components, Services with everyone coming up with their own fancy names, all this to just render a list of rectangles. Frameworks which stream the contents from the server seem to be the newer trend, at least a few companies and…
got excited by the offer and I spoke too soon :'( I might still use this if it picks up, rather than stuffing all my data in Google with no human to contact if something goes wrong. I feel it is cheaper than owning a 2TB SSD over 5 years.
Couldn't have said it any better, I had to move our instances as they(Scaleway) pretty much doubled their pricing and gave a short notice which is too little when you have different things configured like backups, internal DNS, Ansible & cloud-init scripts, block storage etc. Our MySQL master-master replication and Memory…
No I don't think they do, at least I did not see any option to generate any kind of API keys
https://site.gitscrum.com/lifetime-deal you could buy the Freelancer version($49), wouldn't really recommend the higher plans if you aren't a massive company as the price makes no sense, and if you were a big company, you would likely use Jira. This is a Project management solution with boat load of features, I have been…
Most free hosting out there that supports PHP will also support static HTML pages. static web hosting is not a feature, but the absence of features.
Damn! This takes some genius to come up with
might switch to WebHorizon just for this, please other webhosts, do this and don't do the following: * not tell the customer, there will be a change in IP - if possible avoid an IP change, because resellers have to convey this to all their customers and there will be considerable downtime for everyone during the switch. *…
Not as old as the rest, BuyVM was technically my second VPS, after I got fooled by a "then" Summer Host called "AsuraHosting" which disappeared within a month(AsuraHosting website is up again, not sure if they are the same guys) Happy Birthday, BuyVM/Fran! Thanks for the great service at such a low cost as I was right out…
Vultr with all its marketing about high frequency CPUs seems to perform worse than Hetzner.