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  • PMd it, thank you
    in DA to cPanel Comment by exp January 2020
  • I meant from directadmin to cpanel. Im already hosted with @mikept but DA is buggy for me. So far no resolution. My ticket has not been answered for 2-3 days and it isnt the 1st time that this is the case. Sorry mike for the rant but you know this is true.
    in DA to cPanel Comment by exp January 2020
  • Hello, you use both cPanel and DA right? So far which has been more reliable/stable and easier to use? I agree on Support being listed first and it should be listed together with #5
  • Now I added a new domain but it doesnt appear in the list of domains of DA but it shows under domains folder of File manager The Lets encrypt renew still fails for 2 domains. Manually creating wildcard for these 2 domains also fail. DA is really buggy. I hope they focus on 'functionality' first before the 'eye candy'
  • @Francisco would it be possible to suggest to @DA_Mark to preserve and restore DB names during backup and restore? Since currently DB names are treated as relative names and uses account name as its prefix. Is there a way to rename DB names in DA?
  • You are correct :/ DA restored the DB with prefix of current account name! Like domain2_wp123 since my login name in myw is domain2 In my previous host, login name was domain1 which was my original domain before it was changed to domain2. So correct db name is domain1_wp123 But since this is a restore, shouldnt DA just…
  • The primary is not a subdomain. It was a domain like domain.com and was changed to domain.net. I dont know how my previous host migrated from cpanel to DA but there was no db issue after. I only encountered this db issue after restoring a DA backup from another DA host to my new DA host. If my db name and db username were…
  • Thanks @wss ! I meant I originally had a cpanel account and along the way, i had the primary domain changed for example from domain1.com to domain2.com. So the login username to cpanel is different than what my current primary domain is now for example the username is still domain1. Then my former host switched to DA. But…
  • Hahaha hey @Ympker and @seriesn I also have Divi but Im really confused on how it works. I already chose a theme from Divi's list but the Home page looks different from it and there is a right pane thingy. I tried Brizy cloud and I think it will be much easier to just build from scratch using the premade blocks and export…
  • Hey everyone hehe. I just restored a DA backup on @MikePT shared plan but Im getting DB errors for WP and an app installed by Softaculous. Do I have to edit something? The account username from the previous host is different from the current one now. Thanks!

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