Allow me to put this into context. * On 15th July, you bought your account from someone, breaking our terms of service. Using false details, buying an account instead of transferring a service, etc. I don’t think I need to explain this. * You opened a ticket asking for a promotion that expired over a year ago. It was…
I think you should definitely take a picture of the whole ticket and share it here. :)
Definitely hit a nerve there somewhere since you are trying to grab to anything that says "hosthatch bad". Sorry anyway buddy, hope it gets better for you :(
I think you know you've won the argument when people start calling you labels instead of using logic. The decisions we have to take as a business are purely for business reasons. We can't provide services to people from Iran, even if we want to, but I am sure that will also be considered racist. We also see higher average…
I always appreciate your centered opinion, but there is a lot more to it than is being shared here by the OP.
That is exactly what we did, but interesting to see the default assumption that we're evil and have no common sense. That might be because the OP has chosen to share very specific details, which doesn't include the first ticket, where we told him exactly that. This, added with the fact that the OP claims to "accidentally"…
No idea who pissed you off buddy. You're welcome to choose the former scammer who seems to be running a "successful" company nowadays instead of us. He will write 3 paragraphs of politeness even if you just say hello to him, but we aren't running with the money we made by scamming people a few years ago, so our tolerance…
That is a completely understandable opinion, and you're welcome to open up your company, provide a $15/year promotional service that you barely make any money on, and have a better policy for what you consider acceptable and not acceptable as support abuse. I will be your first customer.
Understandable, we will add a note about this in the panel :)
Hi there, We're really trying hard to provide better support for our promotional plans. But cases like this make it harder to do so. There is nothing accidental about you opening a ticket asking for something, getting politely refused, and then the next day opening another ticket about the exact same thing hoping to get a…
We've always advertised GB and TB, never GiB or TiB. I really do not see the moral/ethical dilemma here. If you purchased a plan with 8TB bandwidth and it accidentally came with 9TB, and we changed it to 8TB an year later, it wouldn't really be as big of a scandal?
Yes it does.
Yes. When you reinstall a "legacy VM", the current process is to remove it and create a new VM using the new system. This does not mean that existing live volumes are shrunk, which is being suggested in multiple places (the other one being LET). If we shrink an existing volume, that would render an existing VMs useless, as…
Indeed it would. But it's always nice to see the stuff that people come up with out of the air, like the guy claiming we use RAID0 somewhere around here.
Would be interested in finding out when you had "all the downtime and loss of data" on our NVMe VMs as well (exact time/dates would be great since I seem to be completely oblivious to this)
Please open a ticket so we can take a look. DHCP should work, static configuration should also work, as long as you're able to get to the console?
We haven't really gotten down to the semantics as of yet, but happy to listen to feedback on how things should be.
What do you mean exactly by this? Have you opened a ticket with us?
Please don't be. To add some context here, we run nearly 5PB raw storage and the failure in Chicago affected about ~50 customers. I read a comment somewhere saying "if HostHatch properly properly set up their RAID, this would never happen". I'm sorry but this just isn't true. You should be more afraid of a provider who has…
Anyone can request to stay in the older platform if you feel that works better. We use newer, more expensive hardware with the new cloud platform for the most part, so we're actually happy if you stay in the old one. Some of the things that are also available in the new panel: * completely redesigned custom ISO, which…
I wish I could agree, but this isn't limited to M247 - pretty much every upstream we deal with assigns lower priority to IPv6 so it takes a lot of pushing to get them resolved.
Can't really compete with that :) We might have some flash deals tomorrow or Monday that might be better, but only a few will be available and not in all locations. Depends on how you look at it. A 16 TB drive on a dedicated server will give you ~14.5 TB usable storage. So it comes to around 1.44 USD per TB if maths isn't…
I'll give you some background maths here. 64 GB DDR3 = ~$125 64 GB DDR4 = $325 2x E5-2690v2 = $300 1x AMD 7443 = $2000+ (if you get lucky enough to find it somewhere, otherwise its 4-6+ weeks to get your hands on it at the moment) The cost of the latest generation Dell EMC servers to run these is also much higher. Gen4…
This was related to Sydney only, with Level3 sending traffic from Sydney to Tokyo to LA instead of directly. But recently Telstra Global was added there along with Level3 and it is no longer a problem. Can you please re-test and update your ticket if you still see the longer route? As for LA - we use Psychz there. Please…
Can do this free of cost - please feel free to email [email protected] if it's still needed :)
I know I am not the most unbiased source on this, but here's the thing... Compare our ~$5/mo (promotional) plan with DO/Vultr's $5/mo plan. Ours comes with a higher CPU benchmark…
We generally throttle to the dedicated limit as well (but in very extreme cases, because usually there's plenty of free CPU). I cannot remember when we had to last suspend a customer for this reason.
We don't have anything against that :)
Will likely post here on 11th April, which will mark our 10th year in business :)
Thanks for sharing them, much appreciated :)
Yes. I am not much of a picture person, but here's a few. Looks way better in real life of course :)
Appreciate it guys - doing better but still taking it slow for now. Took an actual break after a very long time and went to see Baikal with the better half. What I meant earlier was that if you are an active customer, please email me and I might be able to set you up on the plan that you are looking for (directly from us)…
We don't allow transfers for the time being (they are very time-consuming and we get tens of requests every day). But if you are an old/active customer, please reach out via email (abdullah@) and I will see if I can set you up :)