Thanks you ❤️ Haha 😂 , You are right ♥️ Thanks you very much appreciate it ♥️
You guys want me dead by her mom? Lol
Haha thanks you all you make me happy more than i would really thanks you! ❤️ Haha it has to be called Ryzenia for sure 😋 Why not? But not many will be available 😌😉 Hehe yes it will need to be changed 😂😂❤️ Thanks you bro ❤️
Thanks you my friend <3 Allah keep you safe :)
Ryzen 3900x NVMe + Block Storage Custom built?!
Comes late? Eid Mubarak !
Thanks for recommendation ❤️ Regarding
Hay, Are you referring for the offer or the credit balance? If the credit balance then it’s lifetime you can use it when you need to. Regards
Cashback will be deposited into your account with us not to payment method. Best regards
Well the main issue that drives are hard to find now and $$$ , We have few servers waiting in the dock for Dallas and LAX! Best regards
We got some in stock for LAX now.
Hello, We already have Dallas but no Ryzen yet but we will go with Ryzen with new Datacenter in Dallas soon. And yes we can moving you later no issue regarding the disk prices those can be up or down I can’t Guarantee for future upgrade but mostly they are stuck around for while. Best regards
Sorry for that. Hope we will got some soon. Best regards
Hello, Yes as long as paid off for the difference of configuration rams / cpu etc since we can’t match e5 with Ryzen with the same amount of rams. Thanks
We will got some in our newest location New Jersey:) Regards
Well this thing we good at it. Built your own configuration upgrade/downgrade anytime with automatically credit balance if existing.
We can do $3 per TB with Ryzen CPU. Please PM me if you are interested
Hello, Thanks for your kind words and sorry for last bad days. please do not hesitate to Me if there is anything we can do. Thanks for recommendation :) you such great ? Regards
Almost there. Just something like 1 to 2 months. Regards
A bit small IPs Test IPv4: Test IPv6: 2a0b:ae40:4::1 We do have E5 there but they all out of stock.
Yes it will be Ryzen in Dallas soon. Thanks
Why not little mess i’m at phone. ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # Yet-Another-Bench-Script # # v2020-02-10 # # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # Wed Apr 15 06:46:38 EDT 2020 Basic System Information:…
New Ryzen --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region: USA v.1.5.0 2020-01-11 Usage : curl -LsO; bash -USA--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS : CentOS 7.7.1908 (64 Bit) Virt/Kernel…
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Region: USA v.1.5.0 2020-01-11 Usage : curl -LsO; bash -USA--------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS : CentOS 7.7.1908 (64 Bit) Virt/Kernel : KVM /…
Sorry no Yes something like Yep that’s right just typo and fixed. Regarding
Psychz LookingGlass works fine but seems their IPv6 not with me/ Dallas already updated.
Hello, Where exactly get the ? We no longer use it you can check our kb did you see in anywhere at our website? . If you find anything at our website not working just notification me. Dallas one is old and not updated for long gone now. We will update it as soon as possible, And if you check the our Kb will see that…
We hope so. I don’t do that test. Well not exactly and the 20% it not the really limitations however we cannot allow to puch the cpu 24/7 . Regarding
Have you see that we said limited offer? Once it expired any new orders for extra 3tb will be increased. For the LookingGlass we are used Psychz you can test from here Regarding the port 80 of what exactly? And what certificate you are referring to? I don’t see any certified expired. Thanks.
Here we are B1 * 1 GB Dedicated RAM * 1 x CPU core * 20 NVMe Main Disk * FREE 125Gb Block Storage with Yearly payment or 0.30 monthly ( UP to 2TB for $5) * 5TB/Month @ 1 Gbps Shared( capped the connection speed to 10mbit when bandwidth exceeded.) * 1x IPv4 * Private Internal IP * KVM * $3/month Upgrades are available for…
Yep, i’m just having busy life those days ? so totally forget to request provider tag.
Why not? ?
Well this feels bad
Maybe i’m just lucky :p
Well I haven’t noticed the form but I finally here Well i have to say can vote for myself? ? Letbox
Thanks you ? happy to be here Merry Christmas