that's a nice offer. are the CL limits for reseller accounts per client account or reseller account?
I tested it on hetzner and it worked. but I need it on a PHP-friends bigger node, they sent me an email saying my node sending too many router advertisements. not sure if they did something that prevents this from working.
Still doesn't work yes, the host IPv6 responds, domains get resolved but no ping. gives address unreachable
I do, its all mine, I don't resell it. current config, I finally able to ping6 the host from inside the VM, but not the internet. "/etc/network/interfaces" "/etc/ndppd.conf" proxy vmbr0 { rule 2a0d:c0a1:1:52::/64 { }} "/etc/sysctl.conf" net.ipv6.conf.all.autoconf = 0net.ipv6.conf.default.autoconf =…
yes it does. also in /etc/network/interfaces there Is ip neigh add proxy 2a0d:5871:c12:33::/69 dev ens3
oh I should be more specific, I need to divide/use the public /64, not to generate private nor use NAT IPv6 thanks for your answer tho, OP edited
Samsung smartphones are @ ~70 RAM usage out of the box.
just 1- cd /var/www/<your-www-root>2- wget in your browser go to follow the instruction. for best performance, you need PHP opcache module and Memcached. but not a must.
It isn't a matter of cheap and/or better service anymore. It's a matter of trust now. I can't trust anyone who licks what they spat a couple of times. the BF was 10 days ago, If you can't plan ahead for 10 days... unless it was intended and hope for the best.
believe it or not, I too laughed my ass out when I received them email. glad you had a good laugh tho.
HM: BF Deal -25% recurring. Me: Great ill grab 2x starter reseller plans. --- 1 week later.. after BF ends and good deals are gone. --- HM: we are increasing our prices up to double also HM: oh, and we will retire the starter plan, you need to pick another one, go for advanced. Me: :anguished: you wouldn't be unhappy ?…
Siteground was working on this for some time as OP mentioned, they even began to send patches of 'new customers' to the new panel in early 2019, when they began to move to GCP. And sent bigger patches of customers in mid-2019 (I was one of those). As cPanel should already have seen this coming and continued to raise…
that's more of a reason to hate it.
ty for the feedback, I was more concerned about the disk speed tbh. I'm genuinely asking if it's normal or not, not trying to give the host a hard time.
This was my first BF on green forums. I'm a seriesn's customer for a couple of months. But when I knew that's he's not planning on participating in this BF (neither do I), I got relieved and got myself a 4c ryzen beast. I don't like crazily crowded places. But I saw the double storage offer from 'inceptionhosting' and I…
Inception Hosting Order Number: 8116816559 P.S. I want a Ferrari.
Yea I noticed, thank you Ant. pretty fast res.
I knew my luck sux.
lucky you. when I benchmarked on the first run, was at max 10Mb write, now it seems to be down. I'll just give it a couple of hours, it will fix itself.
they were not planning for any sale, I asked them on 23rd. apparently, they went for a middle ground.
I got one, my first storage box ever.
maybe you know this but ill just include it as of maybe you missed it. and assuming you need it for backup you can click in 'storage' instead of 'high i/o' on the top of the page. it will convert the 2x 512G NVMe drives to 2x 2TP HDDs.
Envato has started a 50% CM sale. on themes graphics, code, and more.
yea I went far, sorry for that. I couldn't delete it.
I knew his name might be Bob.
Last 2 days I was playing around with Cloudlinux, installed DA, Plesk and Cyberpanel and ran some loads I noticed (or maybe it's me have no clue about CentOS) that Debian/Ubuntu waaay outperformed both Centos and cloudlinux. I used Apache, Apache+Nginx, Nginx, Litspeed and openlitspeed. on Centos/Cloudlinux CPU…
Confirmed, ClownFlop
shared hosting reseller based on Plesk. with good resources.
Goodluck bud and don't get burnt out fast.