@kheng86 @atomi FFME006 back online. Service migrated with data from Amsterdam AMSKVM6 to Frankfurt FFME006 and worked on 29/6/22 30/6/22 FFME006 server went offline with Booting from hard disk - boot failed. 8/7/22 Managed to re-install Ubuntu 20.04 Ryzen 25/7/22 Failed - timeout accessing panel recovered 26/7/22 @ 7:35…
Good point although pinging does not give a response (at all) - I have seen a 'flipping' ip which switches between one machine and another with same ip. Also (but may not be related) the CP gives the standard - Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received Not openeing tickets as I am sure @VirMach…
The VM sends a heartbeat (MQTT) message every 2 minutes and after 6 minutes I get a report. I try to ssh in and get no response so then use CP which gives a timeout error trying to access the VM - so can't check VNC. Other VMs (on different nodes are fine). So either my VM is being 'chosen' or something else is…
@VirMach FFME006 giving timeout errors in CP. History of this server is really poor (All UK times) :anguished: Service migrated with data from Amsterdam AMSKVM6 to Frankfurt FFME006 and worked on 29/6/22 30/6/22 FFME006 server went offline with Booting from hard disk - boot failed. 8/7/22 Managed to re-install Ubuntu 20.04…
Just a suggestion - I am based in the UK so having this as a secondary is counter productive i.e. main is in Canada etc. If you are considering Europe then the master / slave relationship needs a bit more thought, Good luck and have fun.
Surely same use as a CDROM with the exception of speed and capacity. So my answer would be the videos and photos I made of my parents (both dead now). I already have backups on multiple providers however this sort of thing is private. Also having this sort of device would make me feel that in an emergency I know I still…
Good point Nextcloud is available :) which is a much better solution - Thanks @angstrom
Did not think the supplier would have mentioned anything, but in their AUP - So fair enough I won't bother.
There is a quota (just less than 150GB) so nothing execessive and I could use rclone to write to it. Just wondered if it would be considered abuse as the space is not being used for webpages.
Wrote a script which (cron) reads 'special' dns names and opens ports to them. Key access only and non standard port. If I move around or an ip changes I update the dns and servers unblock. Works really well.
Let's call him BORG ( 7 of 9 ) - don't think he will work out the connection.... although we could say Back Of Room Guy ;)
TL;DR Yep, that was me getting it in the kneck.... Service down for almost a month. Lost confidence in hostsolutions. Raised a ticket asking for a refund (as per cociu's post), stating that if no response, I would chargeback. Waited 20 days. Ticket was deleted by hostsolutions. PayPal received no communication back from…
Just opened (reluctantly) a PayPal dispute. No response to tickets - offline for 26 days. @cociu has not handled this properly and I don't see why my money should support him when he has not supported us.
I have opened a ticket and said that I want a refund - it is over 3 weeks of downtime without any resolution. I don't want to chargeback (but I could) and want to give @cociu a chance, but he is not giving any feedback. His silence has consequences and at some point his actions will either create the downfall or extend the…
Providers make money by selling. People come here for sales and for info. The more people that visit, the greater the chance of sales. So sales should generate revenue for LES - not the consumers.
How can you see which node you are on?
Set up as IDE but could not find in lsblk or /dev so changed to virtio and drive became available. Once found used fdisk /dev/vda and created a primary partition. Then format and label using mkfs.ext4 -L drive1 /dev/vda1 mkdir /drive1 mount (or put in fstab) mount /dev/vda1 /drive1
London €15 /year shows 15 GB Pure NVMe SSD Disk space on order page
Warning issued to AnthonySmith for using bad language ;)
Hi everyone - spoiler is a bit of background so I can keep this short. Boards WILL be abused and moderation IS necessary - creating a self policing community is essential to aid moderation. Natural moderators 'rise' based on their interaction. A community should not tolerate strong insulting language - 'don't be a dick' is…
Inception Hosting Order Number: 1371132197 Another one :)
Apologies for me being a dick RTFM :-)
Any way of getting Ubuntu on these ? Default is Centos 7
Thanks @AnthonySmith Order Number: 7306691175 Inception Hosting
Is fuse available?
Yep mine is as well. I do feel sorry for @cociu as it sounds like it has been a terrible 29+ hours - quite a story !!! Luckily this is a storage server and everything is also rclone'd to google so this has not had a major impact on me but I can imagine the problems some may have had.
Just started an 'outage' thread for
I am pleased to say that the server has been received - thank you. Not asking for support here just letting others know. Minor issue - requested ubuntu and system said ubuntu18.img was used, but Centos 7 was installed ? Doing a re-install. Assume too many potatoes ;-) Also just purchased your VPS to show no hard feelings.
@Falzo - fair comments - yes I have been around for a very long time..... :)
@schnafi - Feedback elsewhere is not a solution - this is LES and I purchased through LES. I have thanked @bdl for providing this detail although this should be provided by the seller HERE. The purpose of my post is to make new and old users aware as well as let @cociu know MY feelings. Saying "take it or leave it" is not…
@schnafi - you are correct it is a very good deal which is of course why I went for it (and others). From what I have seen @cociu has lots of positive followers and I am already using another HS service so know about reliability etc. I totally accept that a refund is an option and something that would be given without…
Sorry but one liners can be easily misunderstood and can be meant positively but taken negatively. Push-ups are (I think) meant as a joke but if someone is frustrated they just wind them up more. The point is if something is sold with conditions, those conditions should be met by BOTH parties. Obviously things can go wrong…
If you sell something you should supply based on terms and conditions - Hostsolutions said "Norway (14 days delivery maximum )" on the 15th of October. Then after being 'pushed' it ended up being 3rd of November - it is the 5th and still nothing and worse still NO FEEDBACK. I know cociu is trying hard but this is not how…
I am starting to get pissed off with all the push-ups. States max 14 days and no updates. Customers should get proper feedback and will understand when they are kept informed.