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Member, OG


  • Did you check if you need a special MAC address (quite common across providers) to route the extra public IPv4? I've typically setup pfSense/OPNSense to be on the same public IP bridge (same bridge as that of the host node's internet interface) and forced the MAC address to the "virtual MAC" (or whatever it's called - you…
  • Have you tried adding preferred_lft 0 to the end like: up /sbin/ifconfig ens3 inet6 add 2a0d:xx.xx.xx::d/64 preferred_lft 0 I haven't gotten around to fixing the IPv6 issues/breakage in many of my VMs as yet. Previously, I had to use the ::2 address as the ::1 didn't support rDNS. So I was just using the ::2 with the…
  • Exactly. Upgrading a particular ISO is just replacing the file with the newer version. Add/remove ISO's and they're auto read at boot to present the menu. Very convenient. I keep this USB as a sort of handy toolkit for various needs. So I stuff the 16/32GB USB storage with a bunch of these things (the space is anyway…
  • Just use Ventoy (https://www.ventoy.net/en/index.html) and plonk in whatever ISOs you think are useful to have with you. Things I'd add to your list (depending on your taste, random order): * GRML * Tails * Clonezilla * Arch * Xubuntu or Lubuntu or *ubuntu * Ubuntu Mate * Netboot * Debian netinst I seem to spend more time…
  • Does: grep -oP "(?<=\bFROM=\').*?(?=\')" solve it for you? (I added \b before FROM to signify word boundary and it worked as I think how you'd like it to work - i.e only match FROM and not ENV_FROM). Here's a sample test case from me: (the first one is with a capital - not what you want, and the second one is with a lower…
  • I've not had any troubles (or rather I'm willing to pay the performance penalty to gain the storage advantage of deduping). I understand but didn't get what the benefit of this is. Irrespective, the client needs the session key at encryption time. Yes - it chunks all the data into "blobs" of storage (fixed size, mostly) so…
  • Duplicati does something like this (chunk sizes, metadata DB etc.) of course I don't know the specifics of the implementation. Asymmetric encryption is quite expensive - so this will have to rely on some form of a master key to encrypt which pretty much exposes it to the client - so no go. Not sure if there is an easy (but…
  • Any specifics? How does it compare vs duplicacy vs duplicati? I don't use any of these (borg, see below). I'm very curious on your reasons/findings. I'm a heavy borg user and I have literally no complaints (again for my shell/cli based usage and to cron-ify things, it is all I really need). There's also borgmatic which is…
  • @Ympker - Exactly as above. It is only the fly - so you write unencrypted stuff and it actually gets encrypted and saved onto whatever (cloud) end point. Yes. Easier than gpg or some other encrypt first and then upload. The only "pain" with rclone is that it is a little more of a hassle (and slower) when compared to…
  • I think there are rclone "clones" for Android that give you equivalent functionality. You will of course need to know the password (in case you encrypt). Think of rclone as more of a automation/scriptable tool rather than something that is "UI" based. If your primary need is to view encrypted files and interact as a "user"…
  • Rclone (https://rclone.org/) is something that is extremely useful to have a single unified interface across multiple storage backends.
  • What? I'm struggling to buy something that I actually need. How did you develop such powers of resistance?
  • @Ympker - Do take a look at https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ ("Borg", which is what I use for backups on Linux). Borg itself doesn't really work (well enough right now) on Windows. There are other somewhat similar tools like Duplicacy, Duplicati and Restic. Essentially it is the "chunking" that is giving you a…
  • Tom - have you considered experimenting with DN42 - it should help you go a long way with minimal cost (and I think you already have most of what you need). I'd say it's a great way to get your toes wet and then figure out what next after your initial experiments and learning... Irrespective, best wishes on what will no…
  • Go with either pfSense or OPNSense. pfSense has had some issues with their plans to go pseudo-closed-source/commercial with the community supported edition becoming an after thought. As a result OPNSense is gaining a fair bit of traction. Both are quite similar usability wise but takes some getting used to the menus/UI…
  • Thank you - I have enough bandwidth to run circles around the globe many times over and still have some left over bits to spin some tails with. Oh wow! Now that's evil genius for sure. Just imagine what the nefarious like yours truly would do :smiley: I'm appalled though. I can't even begin to imagine how naive they seem…
  • Woah @Not_Oles - I'm honoured (or should I be distressed?). Thank you for your kind words. I wrote that up purely as a tribute to our local IPv6 champion @Brueggus - his wit, impishness and repartee over at the OGF have always been fun and inspiring - I wish I could double and treble witticisms like that. I felt he needed…

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