Slow logins is often a result of OpenSSH trying to do reverse DNS on the connecting IP. Perhaps it's worth a shot to set UseDNS no in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart the ssh service. PS: You can always do ssh -vv user@host to get a debug log and check which step takes the most time.
Newer versions of VirtualBox and VMware has a HyperV compatibility mode. These allows them to be used along side HyperV although performance may be degraded. When running in compatibility mode, VMware & VirtualBox use the Windows Hypervisor Platform APIs instead to manage VMs. Their own hypervisors aren't used. Qemu on…
Been using opera on Android along with Blokada.
Yes it is. Have used the portable version available as a zip on GitHub releases. The portable version doesn't require administrator rights as I can remember.
Disk imaging and backup are different. On Windows I've used duplicati to backup directories. https://github.com/duplicati/duplicati
Mostly use jdoodle for quick Python scripts. Also have used repl.it. Repl.it allows installatig 3rd party packages from PyPI which is a great feature usually not found in other Cloud IDEs. In addition, I've also set up code-server on a couple of my VPS for more serious coding, non single file projects.
CloudCone Turns 4
Digitalocean do have vtx/amdv enabled and hourly billed. Ramnode and virtuacloud also have it enabled as far as I remember.
If it was possible I would nominate an AI to run the forum. Lets bring on skynet. My other choice is @yoursunny : well equipped to handle the situation in case skynet turns against its creators.
LXD 4.0 and above support running virtual machines. So you can have your own kernel. Incredibly useful feature. And yes it does support Windows with some effort. However it uses Qemu underneath and requires hypervisor support (vt-x/amd-v).