Looks really neat and good selection of locations. However, the calculation of the average ping seems to be off when there's packet loss? It seems like lost pings are counted as 0ms toward the average, which obviously looks odd if the average ping is lower than the best ping.
OP's question seems quite legitimate, the signature of @MaxKVM still shows Singapore as an option and there is no clear explanation on the order page explaining that Singapore is out of stock... Virmach and others have this clearly stated before you order. Really inadequate reaction and sad to see such behavior, the offers…
Got one in NL, haven't had any active service with @InceptionHosting for years, but this just confirms the reputation. The performance is absolutely stellar. However, latency to some ISPs could be a bit lower, routing isn't quite ideal. One example is T-Mobile NL (AS13127), I'm getting around 36ms to T-Mobile ADSL2 and I…
Impressive, considering the fact that they still charge 120 USD per TB of traffic. But yeah, given the credibility that Google is getting with their recent decisions, it's kinda understandable. I really cannot grasp how it is possible that YouTube Music doesn't offer Chromecast support from desktop Chrome? How is that even…
Nice, congrats on the Tokyo location, but I'll skip for now. GeoIP is still US and it's an ARIN IP, otherwise great offer.