I've been using Duplicati for the last year or so on a laptop (not mine). Three or four times I noticed that the daily backups were not running successfully anymore. Restores were similarly prevented. Each time I had to do some manual intervention, rebuilding the database or such, in order to be able to run a successful…
Yeah, but my pictures are not only about me...
Youtube-dl has been recently removed from Ubuntu snaps (there are others but they don't work). pip install youtube_dl is the best installation option.
Just tried out both Vanced and Newpipe: didn't like the former's apparent complexity and stuck with the second.
I regularly check all three sites, trying hard to spot any differences in the offers.
If you're talking about this, it's now out of stock. It was still available maybe a month ago, together with the BF2018 and BF2019 specials, and a bunch of previous offers.