Yes, but you can't prevent yourself from being billed beyond the limit because it may require removal of a resource that you consider essential. (I had a post up on OGF that goes more into it, but I can't find it now.)
Another vote for GreenCloudVPS. I was affected by an involucration on their NL nodes. I run a CI worker on it that occasionally utilizes 100% CPU and I’ve been fine so far.
Override your hosts file to point to the IP of your shared hosting provider, and then access the website normally. Might require flushing DNS caches though, killall -HUP mDNSResponder on Mac and something with netns on Windows, look it up :)
Have you used devtools to look at the save request and dig into what is being sent? My guess would be Cloudflare's WAF somehow blocking the request.
At least throw in a NAT IPv4 with the ability to use custom domains with a managed HTTPS proxy on your end, and that would get me interested.
Not to pile any further, but the angle OP has been pushing, namely that Google and Amazon are defrauding their customers by pulling off a cociu style basement host operation is honestly a bit much. And not just for lowend folks. S3 and GCS has a lower price than your offering $0.023/GB, and I'm yet to hear about a single…
There's no reason to trust you either; how do we know the two servers aren't actually the same? Hostnames etc. can be faked, and one could always write a custom SSH server. (This is trivial given the abundance of SSH libraries these days.) Wait till you see some real PMSing users, your patience would be worn down quickly.
Mods - can we get this cleaned up please? There's only one person shouting racism and yet denying it when confronted...
The real question is - why should I have to care about any of this? Ideally, I'd like something where I can write any volume of data and it automatically takes care of such concerns. See Amazon S3 or even a smaller object storage provider, as an example.
If he didn’t, the only option he’d have is to underpay support folks, but then we’d have a separate conversation about how Emil is being a greedy capitalist making millions off of the backs of poor support folks. But hey, never let some facts come in the way of a drama thread.
To prevent drama threads like this, may I suggest that you include phrasing like this when saying no to customers:
Racknerd. They used to operate Alpharacks which was a nearly-scam operation with extremely oversold servers that they bought off of Quadranet posing as external customers, while being employed by them.
That would be a very stupid move if true.
Please don’t get me started on support jobs. :) While there is a slight chance that you pick up tech skills, the high stress environment does something to you, and either you become stuck in your career (only more so because companies view it as an assembly-line job), or you try to explain to yourself why you’d be treated…
To be honest I started it, though I remain firm in what I said and it may better serve OP to pick up aforementioned skills so they can find better jobs, instead of scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Add to that list. They might even be running this project.
AWS r6g.medium, 30GB gp2 disk, us-west-2. No iperf tests, because AWS bandwidth is expensive :smile: # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## Yet-Another-Bench-Script ## v2022-06-11 ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #Tue Jul 5 15:16:05…