(Between) Zero (to) Lots of Pain
Keep going @Virmach.. I would place it under "Appreciate the drama" tag. I dont know what i am going to do with the VPS either. So lets agree this is much more of fun than access to a virtual IP..
The above post is based on a sale from a alternate forum, because why not ;) i dont care to login there at the moment. Thanks for reading
What you get by ordering a Tokyo earlybird with @VirMach on March 12-13 with estimate * Opportunity to identify all types of buses while you check your ever pending status on WHMCS * A virtual commentary of all possible issues you can encounter by shipping a server from US to JP * All possible errors you can know of a…
Will the early birds ever fly? Before allowing to rebalance and recreate i think it's fair to create the pending tokyo preorders from March to see light...