me too too too too, i got "Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received" and "An error occurred processing your request. The host is currently unavailable. Please try again later".
@VirMach long time no see
LAXA032 always "Operation Timed Out After 90001 Milliseconds With 0 Bytes Received" from 08.14
> My request is to move to Tokyo and I continue to line up. Please don't forget it. I hope you can rest well too. Thanks
> me too. @VirMach ach hasn't been around in a long time.
I migrate the server to another data center, but it gives me a ticket: "Migration Request, Awaiting Request". how long do I have to wait? thanks.
it's a good news. @VirMach come on.
Hi @VirMach , Please help me migrate the service(View Ticket #895668). Thanks.
I need a vps around $5/year, who can push one for me.
so,The only thing left to do was to wait for @VirMach 's help
I tried everything, reboot, shutdown, reinstall, rescue. But always offline. then can you tell me what should i do?
Hi. @VirMach, The VM at DALZ007 has been offline for more than 3 weeks.when will it be repaired. Or help me migrate it to different nodes?