Which location did you get?
yabs for the 2core atom? I've been thinking of getting this as a second Proxmox backup server for my private stuff :)
Fixed, sorry!
More stock has been added, enjoy the Ryzen 9 5950X :)
Kind of, but the main focus will still be on IPv6 Port forwarding is unfortunately still needed for some use cases, that why I'm working on the implementation
That's exactly how the current setup is :) If your traffic limit is reached the node will be limited to 10mbps
Thank you! Yes, but probably in a limited quantity But still recurring :)
The default limit is 2TB at the moment, but I should be able to increase it up to 5TB. I'll post a clear statement on traffic in the next few days, just give me some time to think about it
Port forwarding should be public next week, routed v6 Is next :)
Thank you for your feedback. Yes, I agree, this might not be the most competitive pricing this community has seen, but I prefer charging a few bucks more and provide an actually sustainable and non oversold service to the user. Shared IPv4 with forwarded ports and routed IPv6 will be a great addition coming in the next…
I’m so happy to hear that, thank you for your support! :)
Yep! :) More servers = more fun Singapore will most likely come with larger subnets out of the box, I'm aiming for a routed /56 per node. The current German location will also switch to fully routed subnets, I'm currently implementing the necessary backend changes
Yea I totally agree. 20-30% sustained should be fine, if you need more just pop in a ticket and we can discuss a different solution with dedicated resources :)
No sorry, switching locations is not yet possible Singapore isn't live yet, but I'll definitely announce it once the first server goes live :)
It's a public one hosted on the same network. But feel free to replace it with a nameserver of your choice. I'll set up our own instance in the coming days There is no exact limit on the CPU usage yet, to be honest. The current policy is to make reasonable use of the service, but if you're planning on hammering the CPU…
there's no exact eta yet but you can help by filling the nodes in Germany :)
I just added some larger plans, the coupon is also valid on those
On checkout, when you click pay you'll get redirected to the checkout page. You can find a coupon field there :)
Thank you for very much for your feedback! VNC will get integrated in the next few weeks :)
The beta will end today, thank you everyone for testing!
@JBB You should see a new prefix if you rebuild your node, In case you've added some domains you probably have to recreate them due to the IP change. Sorry for the issue, two VMs got deployed a couple of seconds apart, I'm currently working on implementing another check to make sure that won't happen again Edit: IP…
I've added SSH key validation to my list, thank you! Updating the hostname should be fixed, sorry, I was referencing the wrong form. I also checked the key problem you mentioned, and located the issue, I made some networking changes yesterday and it looks like there's an edge case that can result in two VMs getting the…
Hi, it’s a different project but uses the same backend I developed, just with different integrations The landingpage has the location listed, but it’s not yet public. But yea you’re right, I should list the locations for canvay :)
Yep totally agree, I'll add a info text or find a way to query caddy for the current ssl status.
Thank you for your extensive testing! yea I’m aware of the pricing differences, most plans currently have the wrong price/ plan ID configured so stripe shows the pricing of a different plan. I’ll create the final plans later and set the proper IDs. The failed checkout attempts should get cleaned automatically after a few…
The beta will end tomorrow, so let me know if you want to give it a try before it ends :)
Sorry, completely forgot to update the thread, I’m still offering refunds in case you’re not happy, but the trial mode is currently not available as that interferes with the new payment options :)
Which location would interest you the most as a second location besides Germany? * Singapore * Sydney * Tokyo
Offer still available :)
Back online, feel free to order a node and play around again Each node currently comes with a /120 IPv6, I'll get a larger IP assignment and implement larger subnets /64, /56 and /48 depending on the location
All beta nodes will get deleted today and I'll have set the backend to maintenance for a few hours to test the new IP management
Sure, it's full KVM
I'll some more goals in the next day, would love to hear your input regarding new features and what you'd like to see first :) https://funny-suede-f78.notion.site/Roadmap-d1345d34d84f43e0b8d383a47e86d054
Very cool idea, I’m currently using notion, I’ll share the roadmap here and let you guys decide which features should come next :)
It’s on the on the bottom, a small button called delete or destroy if I remember correctly :) Seems to be hidden too well I guess hahah
Would there be interest in a location like Sydney? :)