Thanks to everyone who commented in, I took a few days break away from the comments to think more about the idea. I'm convinced the idea will not work as many of you mentioned in terms of it simply being a storage alternative to much larger organizations. I'm still going to continue my second phase which is…
Thank you for your response and for being positive and encouraging, I really do appreciate it! I'm no guru at life but I've had some experience with having to please individuals as I'm sure most everyone has and it can be good sometimes difficult other times - there's just so far one can go and I think life in general…
Wow that's a great experience and super insightful! Super happy it worked out for you considering the investment you had to put out in those credits as well! Storage is definitely a saturated type of market AND also because storage can mean so many things. To answer your specific question - it's SFTP and yes I suppose it…
I use backblaze but not the block storage for backups - that leaves a lot to be desired BUT it's "unlimited" - mostly for some personal data that is also backed up to hard drives. Thanks, totally wish I could get 10G links, that would indeed hopefully make the intended deal more tempting! As for stats - there's much more…
That's not what I said and why are you continuously speaking about object storage? My intended service isn't to provide object storage nor be the next Google or Amazon - they work on massively different principles conceptually and even financially. Congrats to you, I wish you all the best! No worries, if it's not for you,…
I'm aware - I can possibly drop that but I'd have to use the OS drives as well - not too comfortable with that option. Plus that would add another 15 users to the mix which I don't know I really want. Again, I really want to avoid people having issues and being mad with me - very few are going to say hey it's cheap and…
Probably but I have a hard time believing cheap electricity drops it much further than OVH which is rather cheap already as is. Also what I think a lot of storage providers are doing (yes I'm guessing but hopefully intelligently) is adding HUGE amounts of disks to single servers - this allows a huge number of users but…
Totally feel you here, I don't know how other providers could be charging so cheap without cutting corners or overselling (not that overselling is always bad). However most of the other providers do not usually advertise the offsite (in my case secondary server) with the same access as the primary. The price essentially…
TRUE, that's wise! But if I were to add a backup (to be added within the service - which at this point seems to be too much of an automation hassle) - I would probably indeed be doing that with another provider and that part might not be so much having the requirement of having RAID (so many options it would ruin me trying…
I would love to add backups to make the service line absolutely a set and forget type of service but I feel like the 4.50 is already high reaching and I'm trying to cater for the low end market if I can as well but pretty sure a lot of people won't bite due to the price sensitivity. But really I would love that one doesn't…
I can see your point but what if your single drive fails, that would cause downtime too? Not arguing with you, there's just a few scenarios other than raid bring an issue. Also downtime can theoretically be mitigated to some degree if one switches to the secondary server for retrieval. I don't recommend using the secondary…
Definitely a great question! I think this would all depend on the users and how they are using it. By having a relatively small amount of dedicated users (price goes up as you can see) but hopefully performance does not suffer greatly. I am far from being a provider with that level of experience but I don't forsee at the…
That trust will hopefully be built over time (stressing greatly on hopefully). I've been on ogf for years now and many of us put our trust in hosts we've never seen by people who recently joined and have little to no footprint - many times not even from users with their real names and not even with real photos of…
Thanks, that's a super great point! I totally thought about this! I will consider such a combination once the demand is there for the service which is going to be hard to determine without a launch but rest assured, if it's there it will happen where the primary will be in the UK. I will iterate another set up where the…
Lol I'm not fun at parties for the record lol
Sorry that you cannot access onddns.com, strange I will look into it but if you have any details on your side - for example if you literally cannot resolve the hostnsme, I can access look into it further. I can currently access it using and By default http does not work just in case you didn't try https…
Intent and result are two different things, I would have had to write much more pages to explain it. What I have right now is the start and not the fully end product since I am appreciative of ensuring the main basic part works. I do appreciate your point though - never been good at articulating everything but I will try…
Totally understand, the 2nd server has a copy in a different geographic region but it's not an archival 'backup' and thus indeed user backups I suppose are still a responsibility of the user but to be honest, because the replication to the backup is not instant, if for example there was an issue with the primary server, it…
I want to mention that so far in building this, I do have other target audiences I am seeking to provide this storage for (I would love to match pricing for low end users but that's super hard to do). I really hope the 2nd phase of development which is the value added features of the panel will be what is going to add more…
RAID 1 on both servers. I could cut corners but that would make me lose sleep at night. Np no need to apologise, you weren't mean making your point. A few things: you don't know how hetzner is storing your data (not that they are liars but just saying). My control panel shows both independent servers and allows you to log…
@stevewatson301 That's a good question and that really depends on the individual. I was motivated to build this from my experience with storage on hosts (never used S3 nor would I unless that had "unlimited" bw and SFTP which is easy to mount on SSH as far as I've been seeing people requesting on storage) and I wanted more…
1 account issued, 2 more remaining up for grabs!
I strongly disagree with what I am seeing here but the majority has it and thus as with a democracy I will humbly bow out of this one. If I did indeed had a sysadmin/support position for you skorupion I would have considered hiring you. All the best to you, really hope you get a good job that will help you to be able to…
@lentro he wants a sys admin / support job and you're here with a personal issue to lecture to him about being open which could make him look like he is lazy when he may not be. He wants to work in the sys admin / support field to build his skills and hopefully a future there. Becoming a good programmer/developer is not…
Hmmm, well that was a lot of requirements...
Oh man, those pics made my day, thanks for posting, wish I was rich enough to buy all that! Would have a field day doing something grid with it!
Special thanks to @CamoYoshi for transferring the account details to me with the domain and @Amadex (payment has been sent to you). Also special thanks to @Mason for assisting us. All seems well and the domain is now in my possession. I also have to apologize if I escalated this issue a little more than it was needed.…
Redacted, I guess I still won even if I mixed up the timezone as well
@CamoYoshi sent you a PM accordingly, np on the sleep, as long as we can coordinate transfer as soon as possible, thanks for being a fair player here!
How is that correct? I won the domain fair and square. If he wants, he can accept my payment for the domain and transfer it to me.
Tagging @Mason if he can confirm times. Let's see if this is an honesty game.
How did he win it @Amadex ??? I bid right before 6 pm which would have been the deadline. @CamoYoshi bid after 6 pm?!?!?!
Never heard about a jump server BUT wouldn't that be putting all eggs in one basket? What happens if you forget to pay for your jump server or the IP gets changed?