@Anon I think you misspelled @LTniger's user from LET...
Congratulations on completing your leader degree in Computer Science! Doesn't quite have the same ring to it.
Awesome! I'll have to wait until the LET thread to apply then, my LES account doesn't qualify but I believe the LET account should.
Is this IPv6 only or will there be an NAT IPv4 in the future?
Oh they're already 2 steps ahead of you on that one, Mac OS Catalina completely removed 32-bit libraries and broke WINE for a lot of users, myself included.
You can get 5 stars rather easily in the online mode, I honestly haven't done much of the story mode (only enough that I could finally start online), and play online with friends here and there. You can easily get 3 stars from robbing a nearby store and shooting the clerk, then just start shooting at police and killing…
Going to have to hold the excitement for a bit since Rockstar is milking this cash cow and doesn't seem to be showing any interests in revealing GTA 6 any time soon seeing as they just announced GTA V (again) for the PS5 Should definitely run some LowEndHeists as a community though
Feels good to see VPSDime deals on the forum again, and really nice to see an old friend and well respected member of the community be active on here. Do you plan on re-introducing the other subsidiaries of Nodisto as well?
I remember reading about that on LET a while back. I registered for this service back in February, and have a server that's been running with them since then. I sign into their panel about once every 2 weeks, and so far nothing has been mysteriously delete or cancelled from my experiences.
Try clearing the cache in CloudFlare and seeing if that resolves it. Might also help with activating developer’s mode to see changes faster.
I still disagree with this. I work for a company that contracts sales guys alongside knowing people who work in sales. In most places, there is still a base salary that a person gets alongside their commission bonus. But hey, at the end of the day you can look for a trilingual person on 100% commission all you want, the…
I know this is a longshot, but do you also have photos of Hetzner's cable management? It's always fun to see datacenters show off how sharp they look with organizing their cables and having a clean setup.
The NPC driving in GTA is bad enough as it currently is.
As with most game servers, be prepared to handle DDoS attacks on a regular basis, all it takes is one pissed off user. Please factor that into your decision for hosting any game server, especially popular ones like Minecraft or CS:GO, which are known to be DDoS magnets.
Finally a meme thread, something I can contribute to!
If I had to take a guess why (I messed with a number of these different panels in the past), I would say VestaCP is probably one of the easiest to install and configure, as well as having an easier interface. Most people prefer the friendlier interface and automated scripts to set everything up for them, and don't weigh…