borg for almost everything, paired with a few scripts. Usually using a whitelist for the files/folders to backup. It comes with the downside of sometimes forgetting new stuff to add, but at the same time makes sure you don't store away unnecessary data. Saving to Hetzner StorageBox and borgbase, syncing the repo daily to…
Well, very good questions - I completely missed that statement on the page! As said, I am with them for very long now, so maybe I am still on some kind of grandfathered plan? However, this is what they state on the sign-up page: "After your trial, you will be moved to the Foundation 50k, but you can always select…
I have been with Mailgun for years now and didn't experience any issues so far. In the lowest tier ("Trial"), you get a free volume of 5000 mails / month and 1$ / 1000 mails if you exceed that.
As @stevewatson301 said, a jsfiddle to better understand what you are trying to achieve would be good. But I took a shot and maybe what you are searching for is actually listening to a single "input" event? $('#on').on('input', function() { console.log('Even handler fired: on()'); }); Try my example:…
Hey @Hetzner_OL , I noticed a subtile change in this months invoice: you started accounting for IP and VM independently. Does that mean we finally will get a chance for "local network only" VMs and maybe something like a CX5 with it? :P
Interesting after all, that they kept if running for so long. So for those that were still on board: hope you had a good ride! :) Subscribed for a yearly package right at the beginning, but never really got to use it. As @willie says, it felt rather slow and the integrations were just not right.
Well, no need for a random tutorial - it is as simple as "apt install gimp". ;P Just tried on my "Lenovo IdeaPad Duet" and it works right out of the box.
I always liked the "Storage Box" offering and also have to say, that the "Storage Share" product works quite well. Maybe another thing in terms of feature requests: I tend to sync my borg repos from time to time to Backblaze B2, which also in this case would be a nice thing to have, considering the underlying storage…
Nice, that's me on the list! I should go and find some idler to not loose the spot. :P
Same here... Which service are you guys using for the notifications? That's right for sure, but playing with "real hardware" (even though crappy one) can be fun. ;)
I usually spin up an instance at Vultr that comes with Plesk (and license) pre-installed, whenever I have the need for some temporary shared hosting space. Maybe not the way it is supposed to be used, but I find it very easy to for example upgrade small websites.
I mean, it had to happen at some point... Only using the cloud instances at the moment, and some of them are bigger ones which supposedly are not affected. However, I second what @willie sad: waiting for IPv6 (or maybe even "internal network only") instances for way to long now. I really hope this changes give them some…
Maybe another approach could be defining your script as alias for shutdown, trigger your API call there and then hand off the further processing to the "real binary"?
I'll take you by your word! :D Still waiting for a potential candidate, as replacement for the mighty Time4VPS OV6 storage...
If it is a single process, that is producing the load you could use taskset to set its affinity. Or create a cpu cgroup with some limits for a whole set of processes and its threads, maybe even in combination with a cpuset.
Maybe my old thread contains some useful information for you:
Never really thought about how long it takes to be honest... So I had to check my reports: They are "online" backups however, using a hacked together bash script and borg to write the backups to a remote repo (maybe 1GB a day in total).
On of that April Fools' jokes, which would be nice to have in real! ;D
As no one mentioned it until now: you could also have a look at Kimai. It's open source, really easy to work with and gives you nice reports and summaries for invoicing.
Well, as sad as it is for those affected: you are certainly right! And as entertaining as it might be to watch the comments over on twitter on this, I have to keep in mind, that I am also not always tracking the backup activities of my servers... However, it's just personal stuff where loosing a few days of data wouldn't…
I was somehow expecting to see Hetzner sell quite a few a server on the server auction, given that this incident most probably has affected quite a lot of people. But still not too much movement in the availability count.
No idea what that was, as I said: was most probably me, who had no idea how to use Virtualizor. Otherwise the server is running quite well!
Yeah, same for me...only once though and thought and I just misclicked somewhere in the Virtualizor. Well, technically it didn't change, but the interfaces file was overwritten with the default one, even though I installed from ISO. And as my interface is named differently, it broke the outside connectivity.
Just out of curiosity: what are you deploying/running there? I only played around with the Jelastic service provided by ArubaCloud, but even though I liked the idea/system in general, I couldn't really find a use for my (non-enterprise) needs...
Sounds a bit like what the whole "Jelastic" approach is about. ;)
Well, you could go with Time4VPS - 170€/year (boils down to 14,17€/month) with annual commitment. Got a pretty stable service the last almost 6 years. BUT be aware, as far as I know: it is still OpenVZ6! Good option would most probably also be BuyVM in Luxembourg, would come down to min. 2$ (smallest KVM slice) + 20$…
At the risk of sounding impatient: any update, @gleert ? :)
Well, you would then have a classic "chicken-and-egg" problem: whom would you ask for the IP of the entered A record? ;)
Let us know when it's active! ;)
Isn't BunnyCDN receiving quite some love around here? Tested their service a while ago and really liked it, but never used it in production - so I can't speak about the scale of LES.
Haha, I guess it's the same as always - there is never the right moment for something like VPS shopping. :D Will be my first AMD VPS, let's see how it performs. Most likely will replace my (mostly idle) Plex server.
Nice offer, excited to have a try! :) Now the waiting begins... Just one question: will the billing period be updated, as soon as the servers are ready?
Not joking: I bought one of their VPN services just in this second. Right when I wanted to retrieve the password about 20 minutes ago, their server went away. But it seems to be a bigger incident, my server is not reachable as well - but I suspect it's a network thing. /EDIT/ Seems to be back already, let's wait for some…
What are the chances to end up on a different node, if one already has a storage box in Phoenix? i.e. how many hosts are there?
This usually happens when you run out of memory during the operation. What did you try to install? I think I got 18.04 on at least one box as well and didn't run into a problem - it's a 256MB one.
Yeah, that's the problem with it: it's addicting! ;) Not just the CPUs, but all of the VPS stuff...ask me or anyone else around here.